Chapter Four - Late Night Visits

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       Maggie and Glomb had now been together for month, and had been able to hide it so far. Nobody suspected anything, which made them both happy. To most, Maggie's room was quite plain. It had white walls with only a few posters on them. There was a rather large mirror on the wall next to her closet, but that was about it when it came to decorations. She had a collage of pictures on her wall though, each of them containing her and either one of her friends or her parents. She had multiple of her and Glomb, but nobody thought much of it, since she had many of the others as well, even her and Johnny Knoxville when they were filming the Jackass movie.

      As Maggie was falling asleep, she heard a light knock at her window. She was startled for a moment, but slowly got up and moved her blackout curtain. When she seen Glomb outside her window, she couldn't help but smile brightly.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered, when she opened the window so Bam wouldn't hear.

"I came to see you, have a surprise sleepover in a way." He answered, after shutting her window.

"Aww, you're the sweetest." She commented, causing him to smile as well.

     She quickly went over to her door and locked it, as well as locking her window and closing her curtain. When she turned around, she seen Glomb was already laying on her bed in nothing but his boxers.

"You strip faster than me. I think you've found your special talent." Maggie said, causing Glomb to laugh lightly.

"Yeah, but I'll only strip for you, baby." He gushed, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Alright, mr cheesy." She retorted, as he smirked.

       As she laid down beside him, she worried that Bam would find out about them. She didn't know what Bam would do if he found out that his sister was sleeping with one of his friends, one of his good friends to be precise. Instead of letting her anxieties eat at her though, she decided to enjoy the little bit of time Glomb and her had alone together. They couldn't really get alone time around the guys, and they knew if they made too many excuses to be together, the guys would catch on and realize something was going on between the two of them. She couldn't bare the thought of Bam's disappointment in her, though she knew her feelings for Glomb rode deep and she didn't want to lose him either.

"When you think of the future, what do you see?" She asked Glomb, causing him to sigh.

"Well, to be honest, I never think too far into the future because I don't want to be disappointed if something doesn't go how I planned it. Though, if I had to look into my future now, I'd see myself married one day, with kids and a beautiful house. I'd probably build the house myself, but a beautiful house nonetheless. What about you?" He asked, causing her to smile.

"Well, I see myself getting successful with my tattooing, maybe even owning my own shop. I see myself happily married one day, maybe a couple of kids, but I'm never certain on that. If they act anything like Bam, I can't exactly send them back." She answered, causing Glomb to laugh.

"If your kids end up acting like Bam, you're in for a ride." Glomb joked, causing her to nod with a slight chuckle.

"I'll send them to live with Bam, that way he could see just what he's put all of us through every day." Maggie said, as Glomb chuckled.

"He'd probably go nuts within the first day." Glomb replied, as Maggie nodded in agreement.

     Talking about the future was never something Maggie did with her other boyfriends. She never really thought about a future with them. She wanted to be happy, but she never saw a happy ending with them. With Glomb though, Maggie could think of her future, and she actually felt like her future might be happy. She felt as if he'd make her future happy, as if he was a big part of her future.

      Glomb didn't think of his future, not often at all. He pretty much lived each day as it came, but when Maggie asked him about his future, he was able to stop and really think about it. He knew he wanted to be with Maggie, even if it had to be in secret for a very long time. He just wasn't sure how long they'd be together before their secret came out. He was worried about what would happen, but nonetheless he was happy and he knew Maggie was, too. He wanted this happiness every day, especially in the future.

"I'm so glad I actually told you how I felt." Glomb commented, causing Maggie to nod.

"Me, too. Otherwise we would've never gotten to this point in our lives." She replied, though Glomb only shrugged.

"I don't know, I think even if we didn't get together then, we probably would've gotten together at a later date." Glomb said, as Maggie smirked.

"Before or after you'd run off another boyfriend?" She asked jokingly, causing Glomb to smirk.

"Who knows." He replied, as he kissed her.

       Honestly, they were happier than they had been in a long time. Bam could even see a difference in them, but he didn't know why they were so happy. If he had known, he probably would've had a heart attack. Being that it stayed a secret for so long, they doubted they'd get caught anytime soon, or at least, they hoped they didn't. Their friends were oblivious to everything though, so they were almost sure nothing would happen.

       Slowly falling asleep, Maggie couldn't think of any better place to be. She was finally happy for once in her life, and it wasn't because of her job or her brother and friends. She was finally happy with her relationship...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, we all know happiness doesn't last forever.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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