Chapter Six - Two Years Ago

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        Maggie was now two months pregnant, and she had started showing the symptoms. She was throwing up often after she ate. She hated the smell of chicken cooking. Her clothes started to feel a bit snug now as well. She knew she wouldn't be able to hide this news from her parents, Bam or their friends for long, and she needed a way to get away from them.

       Glomb was worried about how the family would take the news, since they hadn't even known she and Glomb were together. They probably also wouldn't be happy, since he had gotten her pregnant and they hadn't been together long. He knew she wanted to keep it all a secret, but so did he. He had to come up with a plan, even if that meant hiding even more things from Bam.

"I've got to get to work." Maggie said, as she entered the kitchen.

"Take it easy. I know it's been quite busy there." Jenn stated, discretely telling her to be careful for her baby.

       Maggie headed straight to work, after getting herself a biscuit from McDonald's. She had started loving their biscuits after she had gotten pregnant. Anyhow, she pulled up at work and started to get ready to help everyone. She had quite a few customers, but luckily most of them wanted smaller tattoos, so she didn't have to worry about them taking her forever.

        Anyhow, her last customer came in, as she was cleaning up her station from the customer before. When she looked up, she was surprised to see Glomb.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked, causing him to smile.

"I heard from Bam that you did some pretty amazing tattoos, so I decided I'd have you tattoo me." He replied, as she smiled.

"What do you want?" She asked, making him look at her with twinkling eyes.

"I want your name tattooed on my chest." He said, causing her eyes to go wide.

"What about Bam?" She asked, causing him to chuckle.

"I don't plan on taking my shirt off in front of Bam, and if he happens to see it, I'll say you had me do it as a loss of a bet." He answered, as she nodded quickly.

       He stripped his shirt off, sitting down in her tattoo chair. Smiling, she began to ready her needle. Walking over, she decided her name should be in cursive. As she began to clean the area, he looked up in her eyes again.

"You can sit on my lap while you do the tattoo. Don't want you on your feet all day." Glomb commented, causing her to smile.

      Once she began the tattoo, she sat down on Glomb's lap. Once the tattoo was done, she cleaned and wrapped it. She began to clean up her area one last time, as Glomb stood waiting on her.

"Don't you have your own car?" She asked jokingly, causing him to chuckle.

"Of course, I didn't walk here. I was waiting to talk to you for a moment before we go back to Bam's." He replied, as she nodded with a smile.

      Once her area was clean, she put away all her supplies and then walked to the front to clock out. After clocking out, she headed out to her car, Glomb following close behind her. She stopped outside of her car, leaning against the door.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked, as he smiled nervously.

"Well, since you still want to keep this as much of a secret as I do, I've been thinking. I don't know when you'll start showing, but I know you won't be able to hide it forever. So, what if, you moved in with me?" Glomb said, causing her to bite her lip.

"Won't Bam be suspicious?" Maggie asked, though Glomb just shook his head.

"No, I'm going to give you a key and let you go there first. Then I'll hang out with Bam for a while, after a few hours I can say I had to do something. Either way, I'll head home and unpack your car, which you will not be doing. I'll let you put away your stuff, but you're not doing any heavy lifting." Glomb replied, causing Maggie to smile.

"Alright, when do you want to do this?" She asked, as he smiled lightly.

"Well, what about today? I mean, then I'd be stuck at Bam's for less time, or I can just not go, since I was already hanging out there." Glomb answered, making Maggie nod again.

"That works." She replied, before they both left the shop.

      She headed home to pack her stuff, though was nervous on how everyone would react. Anyhow, she walked inside and went straight to her room to start packing. Jenn followed her inside and seen what she was doing, so she started to help with no questions asked. After packing all her clothes, shoes, coats, socks, underwear, personal hygiene stuff, and accessories, she was finally done. Heading to the living room, she found her brother and his friends. She couldn't chance hurting herself, so she had to get them to help.

"Guys, I need you to bring my stuff to my car." She said, before they followd her to her room.

"Why are you packed up?" Bam asked, causing her to sigh.

"I'm moving into a fully furnished apartment in the city. I thought it'd be easier, since I'm never here anymore." She replied, as their friends loaded her stuff into her car.

        She walked to the kitchen where her parents were, and decided to tell them all at the same time.

"I've decided to move, so that I can do more art work and shit at home. Don't worry guys, I'll stay in contact." She stated, as April frowned.

"Oh, my baby is leaving us." She commented, kissing Maggie's cheek.

"I promise this isn't goodbye forever. Who knows, I may move back in a few years." She joked, causing them to laugh lightly.

"Well, wherever you move, I hope it's the perfect place for you." Phil stated, as Maggie nodded with a smile.

"It is, I can promise you that." She replied, as she got ready to leave.

       After saying goodbye to everyone, she got into her car and drove all the way to Glomb's house. Once she arrived, Glomb came outside and began to help her. He brought all of her things to their room, where she began to unpack it. As she unpacked, she looked around the room, happy with what's to come in her life...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she's moved in with Glomb.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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