Chapter Eleven - The Call

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       Maggie really hadn't been able to hangout with her brother since the Saturday months ago. She had been too busy at work and with Paul. She and Glomb knew that she had to go see her brother soon, but she just couldn't do it any time recently. As she was sitting in her and Glomb's room watching The Wild Boys while Paul was sleeping, she heard her phone ringing. She quickly picked it up and seen it was Bam. That moment could've easily given away anything when she had to answer the phone, but she just prayed Glomb didn't start talking when he came into their room after coming home, or Paul didn't start crying waking up from his nap.

M - Hello?

B - Hey Maggie, how've you been?

M - Great. What about you?

B - Awesome, as always. Oh, I called you for a reason.

M - Not just small talk, huh? *chuckles* What's up?

B - It's been a while since we filmed a Jackass movie, and I've been watching Steve-O and Chris have their show, so I've decided to make my own.

M - That's awesome, Bam. When were you thinking about filming?

B - Soon, and all the guys, Phil, Ape and Vito will be part of it. I was actually hoping you'd come back and move in, for the show at least.

M - Bam, I don't know...

B - You don't have to make up your mind just yet, but I'd really like it if you came back. I think the fans would like it, too.

M - Alright, I'll think about it. I'll let you know my answer by tonight, okay?

B - Alright, works for me. I love you, Maggie.

M - I love you, too, Bam Bam.

     After her phone call with Bam, her mind was racing. She didn't know what she should do. She felt as if she was neglecting her brother, but she also didn't want to neglect her family either. Instead of letting her mind drive her crazy, she decided to wait for Glomb to get back from Bam's place. She didn't expect him to be home so early either, which meant he must've heard Bam's phone call with her.

"Hey Maggie, Pauly still asleep?" Glomb asked, causing Maggie to nod.

"Yeah, what are you doing home so early?" She asked, making him shrug.

"I don't know, I just felt like coming home." He replied, as she bit her lip.

"Did you hear my phone call with Bam?" She asked, hoping he would say yes.

"No, I was already gone when he had called you, I guess." He answered, causing her to sigh.

"Well, he called me telling me he's making his own show." She said, as she laid back on their bed. 

"That's great. Why don't you look so happy about it?" He asked, and she bit her lip.

"He asked me to move back in with them. Said it'd make him and everyone else happy. He kept saying how much he missed me and how happy they'd be if I came back. I don't know what to do, Glomb." She stated, as Glomb sighed and laid back with his fiancé.

"Well, I think you should do it. Maybe if we tell your brother this way he won't be so mad." Glomb replied, his answer being way too easy and fast for her liking.

"Are you sure? What if he freaks out and yells at us? What if he shuns us? God, Glomb, I hate disappointing my brother." Maggie said, as Glomb bit his lip.

"Guess you should've thought of that before I knocked you up, huh?" He joked, causing her to chuckle and smack him.

"I'm being serious you ass." She retorted, and he chuckled as well.

"I am, too. Besides, your brother can't split us up. We're happy together, especially now with Pauly. I'm not going to let him make you upset." Glomb said, causing her to smile.

       Looking at the clock, they realized that they had been talking for almost an hour. Paul would be up soon, they just weren't sure when. He always woke up around three. Sometimes he'd wake up earlier, sometimes he'd wake up a little later.

        As if he knew they were thinking about him, Paul began to cry. Giving her a break, Glomb got up from the bed and went to Paul's room to grab him. He held his son close to him, giving him all the love and attention that he could. Glomb knew the next few days were going to be tough. He just didn't want Bam to cause too many problems with his family. Even if Bam was his fiancé's brother, he'd still beat the shit out of Bam if he made Maggie cry.

       Maggie was already way more nervous than she had been before. She had let Bam know that she had made up her mind and she'd be moving in, but she'd be moving it with a couple extra things. She didn't tell Bam what the things were. She didn't tell him any extra information because she didn't want him getting mad at her and Glomb.

       Instead of beating herself up anymore, she decided to make some cookies for her, Glomb and Paul. Hell, if she made enough, then she'd be able to save some for Bam and them. Maybe with cookies, she could keep her brother from having a coronary over her news.

"When do we start packing?" Glomb asked, as he walked into their room with Paul.

"Tonight, I guess. Gives us time to talk to him before he wants to start shooting scenes for the show." Maggie replied, stealing her son from her fiancé's arms.

       Laying her son on the bed, she began to tickle his tummy. As he laughed, she seemed to feel less stressed out. Things were going to be tough soon, so she was going to try and enjoy the little things while she could. In the end, she needed everyone to be happy with each other, but she really wanted her brother and family to accept her new family...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, things are about to get way different.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

Bam Bam's Baby Sister जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें