Maybe getting horrifically drunk and screaming at the top of their lungs wasn't the best coping mechanism for the day that faced them but it's all they had, no one wanting to get too serious anymore in hope nothing would come of it. All of their contention was left behind, the ceremony only mentioned in very brief ways despite being at the forefront of their minds.

The year prior it was easy, treated as a joke but after seeing how hard it was for Jeonghan and the fact it was over half of them going it just felt different, not to mention the new relationships that had been forged. The chances of change were low but not insignificant.

They soon tired themselves out, Wonwoo having a surprising amount of energy left and being able to keep up with the antics of Soonyoung, Jun and Chan but all of them had died down. Seungcheol had finally trapped Jeonghan in his grasp, the younger begrudgingly allowing himself to be hugged an almost asphyxiating amount. Jihoon was tucked away in a corner asleep which seemed to be a common theme whenever he drank any amount of alcohol but no one bothered to move him from his comfortable spot, he had a long day ahead of him.

Mingyu was surprised when Wonwoo came over and flopped into his arms in a dazed state, reaching up to play with his hair. "You good?" Mingyu asked, already knowing the answer was no and the relaxed smile on the older's face was only temporary. He received a light hum in response as Minghao just watched, amused and only now feeling the warm buzz from his wine. Wonwoo then turned his head to Minghao, giving him a blurred wave which Minghao returned with an amused smirk. "When I'm gone you can marry Minghao." Wonwoo said with a smile, the faces of the other two falling at his strange drunken confession. "Wonwoo you're not going anywhere and even if you did I definitely wouldn't go to Minghao," Mingyu tried to laugh it off, glancing at Minghao to see how he took the comment. Minghao smiled back but he didn't take the comment well, he didn't need to get between another couple.

His thoughts were cut off when someone fell on him, almost spilling his wine. "Minghao is mine, back off." Chan said with a wide grin. "Wrong, mine." Jeonghan called from his place across them, causing Seungcheol to tighten his grip but not without adding a "Mine." As well. They looked around the room for someone else to pitch in, discovering Soonyoung had passed out in a similar fashion to Jihoon which just left Jun.

Instead of saying anything, he first approached Minghao with a strange expression. Chan moved off and Jun took his place but instead hooking his legs around so he was straddling the younger, moving his face closer until Minghao could smell the alcohol on his breath. He paused for a second to let Minghao's eyes widen, "He actually belongs to Aki." He whispered, pulling away as Minghao's heart was practically beating out his chest.

Wonwoo giggled from beside them, high-fiving Jun as Mingyu just shook his head. "Drunk Jun is much harder to deal with when you're not also drunk, he's just the same but somehow more bold."

"Might be my last chance." Jun winked.

"They're still going to be hungover for the ceremony huh?" Mingyu sighed, Minghao nodded in agreement, blocking out Jun and Chan using their last ounces of energy to playfully fight each other on the ground for some reason. "We should probably get them all to bed." Minghao said, unlatching the boys on the floor as Mingyu picked up Wonwoo.

A struggled "Help-" Came from Jeonghan, the blood flow cut off in his legs long ago. "You could've just told him to get up." Jeonghan shook his head, brushing his forehead against a now asleep Seungcheol's head.

They eventually got them up and sent everyone off, lastly picking up Soonyoung and Jihoon. Mingyu was surprised to find Soonyoung was actually not asleep at all but crying. "Soons?" He asked, letting himself be thrown into a desperate hug by the older, catching him off guard. "Ji's going to go I just know it and I can't- he can't-" Mingyu shushed him lightly as broken words fell from the older's lips and he tried to regain his stability.

"It'll be okay, whatever happens I'll be here for you when you come back, alright?" Mingyu was almost envious of the way Soonyoung could drunkenly cry out all his fears, having to stay reserved to not dampen the mood. "But-"

"Shhh no buts, it's time to sleep." Mingyu said carefully, taking his hand and guiding him to his room. He knew trying to have a party and lighten the mood was only going to be superficial, no one actually felt okay. Soonyoung was too emotional to resist as he was placed into bed, Mingyu trying his best to wipe away the older's tears when really he just wanted to cry with him.

They were acting like someone had already gone, as if everyone was already gone.

Mingyu managed to hold back his own tears, murmuring a soft "Goodnight," to Minghao who was just making sure Jihoon got to his room before joining Wonwoo in theirs.

He finally let himself cry silently, everything was going to go to shit and he knew it but it didn't make it any easier. Tomorrow he'd have to be strong for everyone but he wasn't sure if he could.

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