Chapter 12//Loveshine\\

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Nikki and Layla carry out the last two boxes from her apartment, today is the last day of her lease, and the first day she will be living with Nikki. He helps her load the boxes into the back of his Jeep, "You still have to turn in your keys, correct?"

"Yes! and then we're off." She said with a smile. "Shannon said that her and Tommy should be over to help within the hour."

"That's great babe, I'll head back to my,err, our place awhile so they don't get there before we do." He leaned down to kiss her before getting into the driver's seat.

Layla turned and walked down the walkway to return her keys. A new chapter of her life is about to unfold. She lived in her apartment for the last 5 years, its a little bittersweet. 

"Hi! I'm just returning my keys now. Everything is off, cleaned, and the door is locked."

"Okay, great Ms. Stevenson! Thank you for being such a loyal tennant and good luck with your move." The woman in the office said to her. 

Once Layla got back into her car, she took a deep breath and sighed. 

God, I hope I'm not fucking myself over by moving in with him...

*Nikki POV*

I'm grabbing boxes out of the trunk of my Jeep when I hear a horn honk behind me. I turn around and see Tommy waving at me like a hyperactive five year old.

He jumps out of his truck carrying two cases of Blue Moon.

"Bro! I'm so fuckin' stoked that you and Layla are living together now. Soon enough there will be little sixxes running around."

"Oh god, I don't think that will happen, Layla doesn't want kids." I said.

"I'm going to put these in the fridge, then I'll be back over to help you with the boxes."

Tommy heads through the garage doors, out of my sight when Shannon comes over and grabs a box and asks where I want it.

"Let's see... that says it's Quinn's stuff. That can go into the living room."

"You know Nikki, she's really excited about moving in."

" I am too. I really love her."

Tommy comes back into the garage with two open beers and hands me one.

"To finally getting your head out of your ass and loving someone other than yourself for once." 

"Ouch bro." He clinked our bottles together, and we both took a long pull.

Soon enough I found myself throwing my empty bottle into the garbage can. 

Layla pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car.

"Hey babe, everything is out of the car and either in the living room or the bedroom, Tommy and Shannon are inside starting to take everything out of boxes."

"Awesome! I'm going to head in and grab a drink and then start unpacking the bedroom. Want to help me in there?"

"Sure hun, Tommy brought beer if you want some."

I opened up the fridge and grabbed one for her, and another for myself. 

" Sixx, grab us another too!" Tommy called to me, and I grabbed two more.

Tommy brought in a box of kitchen items, we started figuring out where all of that was going to go when I noticed my buzz. 

I'll slow down, take a breather, it'll be alright.

I didn't slow down, none of us did.  We drank those two cases like there was nothing else in the house to drink.


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