Chapter 2 //Starry Eyes\\

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This is for all the Nikki Side Shave hoes... don't worry, I'm one of them too

The Following Friday 

*Layla's POV*

Evidently Tommy passed out my business cards, because Nikki Sixx is scheduled in at 5 today. I'm so excited to be getting my name out there, especially with the hottest band in LA right now. The Crue just got done with their Dr. Feelgood tour, it's doing so well I swear I hear it on every radio station.

The new young stylist Maggie interrupts my thoughts and says," Layla you are so lucky, I saw that Nikki is in your book today. He's so hot, he's my favorite."

"Yeah, he's cute I guess. I think Tommy has a better head of hair though." I laughed. 

"No way, Nikki's looks so thick, I'd love to get my hands in it." She blushes. 

Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear.. Early it seems.

*Narrator POV*

Layla sauntered up to the front desk, "Hi Nikki, I'm Layla, I see Tommy passed out my card."

He extended his hand to shake hers, as she took a moment too long because she got caught up in his piercing green eyes. Nikki curled up his lip ever so slightly and said," He told me all about you babe."

"Oh he did? Let's get started and you can tell me what he said." Laughed Layla.

He sat down in her chair and started to explain what he wanted for his haircut.

"So I really like the mohawk that you did on T-bone, but I don't know if I want to commit to that, you know. Is there anything that we can do that is some kind of middle ground?"

Layla thought for a moment," What if we left the top long and layered like usual, but shaved the sides? That way you could choose to show them off or not."

"That sounds fucking sick, lets do it!"

" Alright rockstar," She laughed.


Nikki leans forward towards the mirror to inspect his haircut thoroughly.

"This.... This is fucking cool. I love it, honestly." He leans away and then back towards the mirror, "Holy shit! I'm psyched." 

"It looks really good! You have so much hair that you can't even tell at first. It's bad ass." Smiled Layla. 

" So hey, Tommy said you were cool, and you fucking are. We're having a little get together Saturday night to celebrate being home from the Feelgood tour. Do you want to stop by for a bit? Party with the terror twins for a night?"

"The terror twins?" Layla shook her head.

"Yeah, uh- that's what they call Tommy and I- cause we always get into trouble together." Nikki laughed. 

"A party sounds fun. What time should I be there?"

"Do you want me to pick you up? Its at Tommys place."

Layla pondered that thought for a second," Sure Nikki, you can pick me up." A smirk appeared on her lips. "Come to this address." She jotted down her address on the back of a business card, along with her phone number." Call me and tell me what time you're coming and what I should wear."

"Alright babe, sounds like a date," Nikki winked and went up to the front desk to be rung out by the receptionist. 

Maggie flagged down Layla in the break room. 

"Did Nikki ask you out?!" She screeched. 

"Yeah, I guess he did." Layla said with a smile plastered on her face. 

Later That Night

Layla was in the middle of cooking her dinner when her landline started to ring.


"Hi, this is Layla right, its Nikki-uh, Nikki Sixx."

"Yes Nikki, its Layla. Still liking your haircut?"

"Hell yeah! It feels great. Listen, if I pressured you into agreeing to go to the party just say so, and you don't have to go if you don't want to-"

"No you definitely didn't! I want to go. I'm looking forward to it."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm still trying to figure everything out. You're cute, well, no, gorgeous actually. And I just don't know how to do this yet, you know, without the drugs." Nikki's voice got small.

Layla liked the fact that he was being so sincere. She heard the rumors about Nikki Sixx, King of Sleaze, being with groupie after groupie. She also heard about his heroin addiction, and ultimately his overdose. She knew he was in rehab most of last year and now, for the first time, he is sober, and trying his best. It warmed her heart to hear him be almost vulnerable to her over the phone. 

"Nikki, you're doing great, what time are you picking me up tomorrow?"

"Yeah? Okay. How about 8? Oh and wear something nice, but not too dressy."

"Gotcha. Oh, and Nikki, You're not the only one of us who's trying to figure everything out. I am too."

"May I ask what? Because you seem to have everything together." He chuckled. 

"I think I'll save that for another time rockstar. I'll see you tomorrow night."

I know Nikki doesn't seem his usual cocky self portrayed in this chapter. It's because I wanted to follow his actual timeline pretty closely, and since he is freshly sober, he doesnt necessarily know how to act. He is still learning how to be normal, and not rely on drugs. Also remember at a point in time Nikki was on Prozac because his doctor diagnosed him with mild schizophrenia due to his drug abuse. 

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