Chapter 20 //Next\\

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*Layla POV*

Nikki and I walked down the street on the way to our favorite breakfast spot. We stopped at the magazine stand near the restaurant, our Sunday ritual, so he could browse their selection and check out the billboard charts.

We were flipping through pages when I noticed the National Enquirer, the front page had Tommy and Shannon on it. The words 'Daddy Lee?' on the top of the picture, and a red circle highlighting Shannon's tiny baby bump. I looked up at Nikki and I saw him staring at the cover with a solemn look on his face. I grab the issue and promptly turn it over so the back cover is facing us.

I hear a small 'excuse me Mr. Sixx' and turn my head to see a small boy, about 8 years old, holding a notebook and pen with his mother behind him.

I quickly nudged him to turn around. Instantly Nikki's expression changed to excitement when he realized a next generation fan was behind him.

" Hey little dude! Bro, I love your shirt." Nikki said pointing at the doctor feelgood logo that took up the childs entire torso.

The little boy said nothing in return, just a smile plastered on his face.
The boys mom encouraged him to interact by saying," Go ahead, you can ask him."

"What do you want to ask me buddy?" Nikki asked, crouching down to get eye level with the boy.

The boy thrusted the notepad and pen forward, it looked to be what his mom wrote the grocery lists in," Can you sign this please?!"

"Of course man!," He took the pad from the child," what's your name bud?"


I watched Nikki write a sweet message to the boy handing it back to him once he was finished. Immediately after grasping the booklet he ran in for a hug, almost knocking Nikki off of his feet.

Charlie's mom went to scold him, but Nikki reassured her that it was totally fine.

After a few moments of chit chat we went out separate ways. As we headed into the direction of the restaurant Nikki stated, " Man... Kids are so pure.."

"They really are babe."


He seems so uninterested in everything lately. Especially after he talks to Tommy about Shannon and the baby. After he gets off the phone he stares at the TV emotionless.

"Baby, it's so nice outside, how about we go in the pool?" I ask him standing directly in front of the screen holding his and my swimsuit in my hand.

"But, I'm watching this." He says from his slumped position on the couch.

"It'll be good to get some fresh air Nik." I said taking his hand and pulling him up off the couch.

Once we were in the pool I decided to try to get him to open up.

I swim up to him and wrap my arms around him resting my chin on his shoulder. "Nikki, you haven't been yourself lately..."

"I know.." I felt his body stiffen under my touch.

"Can we talk about it?" I asked him gently.

"Yeah..." He turned around to face me," I'm sad, and a little jealous, and I feel shitty all the time. I wish that I could just be happy for them, but instead I wish I could be the one playing house and having a happy family." He runs his hand over his face, " And I don't mean that like I don't love what we have, because I do, I'd do anything for you and us, and I want us to get married and have babies," I smiled as he ranted on," but I hate that Im their babies father and I can't participate." He slows down to take a breath. " My dad left me high and dry, I never knew him, and as a kid I yearned for that. I promised myself that I would never not be a part of my childs life, and here I am being forced to do just that."

"Babe... I'm sorry you feel like that. It has to be hard. I know that you can't have that father child bond, but I'm sure Tommy and Shannon would love to have an Uncle Nikki and Aunt Layla hanging around." I say trying to give him an upside.

"Yeah, you're right..."

We both know that it's not the same.

*Nikki POV*
It was Saturday evening and Layla and I just arrived at Tommy's house.

As I open the door to the Jeep to step outside and open the car door for Layla I smell the distinct smell of barbecue on the grill.

"Damn it seems like T has got the grill all fired up already." I say to Layla grabbing her hand as I lead her to the side entrance towards the backyard.

"Heyo!" I call out as we enter the patio.
I immediately notice how much bigger Shannon's bump is since the last time I saw her.

Layla leaves my side and bee lines straight to her best friend giving her a hug and then placing her hand on Shannon's pregnant stomach saying hello to the baby.

"Nikki! Come here!" Shannon waves me over.
She stands up out of her seat and gives me a big hug.

"You're looking good Shannon."

She smiles up at me. " Do you want to feel the bump?"

"Can I?"

"Of course you can!" Shannon exclaimed grabbing my hand and placing it against her stomach.

"How far along are you again?" I asked softly. My fingers running softly over the protruding curve.

" 14 weeks, I'm heading into the second trimester, so I shouldn't be feeling too sick anymore." She chuckled.

" That's great!" I said removing my hand.

I spent most of the rest of our visit fantasizing about my future with Layla. I want her to be my wife, I want her to carry my children. She's the one for me, she's my fucking soulmate and I think we're going to have to have a serious talk in the near future.

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for being away so long! I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always vote and comment, I love talking about my little story♥️
Xoxo Grace

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