Chapter 5 //You're All I Need\\

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"I- I don't know why I did that." Layla said uncertainty.

"I really didn't mind." Nikki said with a smirk on his lips. 

They were still in eachothers arms, inches away from one anothers face. 

"I barely know you, god I must look so slutty." she put her hands over her face and stepped away from him. 

" No, not at all! I think you're really cool, and I really admire how you opened up to me. You didn't have to do that."

She gave him a look of uncertainty.

"Here, I'll make you a deal. We go back downstairs to the party and we make no mention of this. On the car ride home you can tell me if you want to pretend it didn't happen and that's it, it is done. Or, if you decide you don't want to ignore it, I take you out on a real date Monday night."

Layla stuck her hand out for him to shake it, "It's a deal, Rockstar." 

She turned away from him and headed down the staircase back down towards the kitchen where she saw Tommy, Mick, and a blonde haired man sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Layla baby! Do you like the house?" Tommy yelled as she walked over to them.

"Yes Tommy, your house is gorgeous. Thanks again for inviting me." She sat down next to him, Nikki followed sitting in the empty chair between Layla and Vince. 

"You're too polite babe. It's the only thing I got out of the divorce. So, where's the party girl you were telling me about?" Tommy said as he put his arm around the back of her chair.

"Oh, I don't think you want her to make an appearance just yet" Layla laughed. 

Tommy pushed his red solo cup in front of her, "You sure?"

Layla laughed and pushed it back in front of him.

"So, you're the famous Layla the boys have been going on about." Said the blonde haired man.

"Yes- Sorry- Hi I'm Layla, your name is?"

He scoffed, "I'm Vince Neil baby, the lead singer of the band you've been sucking off."

"Woah dude, that's not cool." Tommy said quickly butting in.

"Nik, She does have some fuckin' delicious looking titties, I bet you'd love to have them bouncing in your face as she rides your cock." Vince sneered.

Nikki slammed his fist down onto the table making everyone jump slightly.

"Seriously?! What the fuck is your motherfucking problem?" He glared at Vince. "You do not get to talk to her like that."

Layla stayed silent, her eyes wide staring at the two of them facing off.

"Whatever man, let me know when you finally fuck the broad." Vince said getting up from the table and going back to the poolside. 

Nikki turned around, his eyes much softer looking then they were a moment ago. 

"I am so sorry, I really don't know what his problem is."

"It's fine, um- wow - I really don't know how to respond to that." She chuckled uncomfortably. 

"Do you want me to take you home?" Nikki asked her.

Layla nodded.

Nikki stood up and fist bumped Tommy and Mick, "Thanks for inviting us, but we're going to head out."

"No problem man,"Tommy turned to Layla,"Don't worry about Vince babe, he's a fuckhead."

Layla smiled,"Alright, I'll be seeing you guys."

Nikki walked them out the front door to try and avoid another confrontation with Vince. They walked to the passenger side of his car and he unlocked it for her. She gets in and he closes the door. She looks up from buckling her seat belt to see Vince walking up to Nikki. She watches them have yet another heated looking discussion through the windshield. Nikki flips Vince off and walks over to the drivers side of the door. He gets in and slams it.

"Apparently he is cranky sober." Nikki then laughs. 

"You can say that again."

They drive back towards Layla's apartment in central Los Angeles. She reaches over and starts running her fingertips over his thigh, up and down tracing patterns.

"I wouldn't go much higher," he snickered. 

She laughed and said,"So, I was thinking about our deal."

"And? Did you make up your mind?" He shifted in the drivers seat when her hand went onto the inside of his thigh dangerously close to his crotch.

"Yes, I'd like you to take me on a date Monday night."

"I'd like that a lot." He smiled over at her.

Layla smiled back at him, removing her hand, not before brushing up against the tent forming in his jeans. Then turning the radio up so he wouldn't have a chance to say anything about the little stunt she just pulled. 

This woman is going to kill me Nikki thought.

He pulled into the parking lot of her apartment and got out of the vehicle, going over to help her out. 

"Want to come in for a bit?" She asked, big blue doe eyes looking up at him.

He nodded and followed her up the pathway to her front door. 

She unlocked it and ushered him in, where Quinn was waiting for them. Layla took off her boots and crouched down to greet her. 

Nikki took off his boots by the door and went to sit down on her tan leather couch. Quinn came and jumped onto the couch next to him, asking for pets and belly rubs. 

"How old did you say she was again?"

"She's 13, but she's my little girl." Layla handed him a bottle of water and sat next to him. 

He opened the bottle and took a long sip.

"I'm excited for Monday night,"Layla said. 

"Me too." He put his free arm on the back of the couch around Layla. 

She snuggled closer to him, and turned her head towards him, looking at him with doe eyes, yet again. This time Nikki was the one to lean down, his lips meeting hers first.

Their mouths moved gently at first. She opened and allowed his tongue access, tongues mingling she moaned into his mouth, her hands in his hair. He started to guide her, back against the arm of the couch. Less and less space between them as he ground his hips against hers, lips still not breaking contact.

Quinn let out a single loud bark.

They jumped and separated, moving back to their places on the couch. 

"I guess this is her telling me I should go home now." Nikki laughed and ran his hand through his  hair attempting to smooth it back down. 

He looked over at Layla, her mouth still pouty from being attacked by his lips. 

"I guess she is."

"I'll see you Monday night. I'll call you tomorrow so we can figure out what time is best." He said going to the door, putting his boots back on his feet. 

She followed him to the door, "That sounds like a good plan. I had a nice time tonight."

"Me too."

"Goodnight Nikki."

He turned and walked back down the pathway, towards his car, adjusting himself in his pants. 

This woman is going to kill me.

Who would have known what would have happened if Quinn didn't break them up. Vince was a total douchebag, the way he talked to Layla was so uncalled for. Let me know what you thought of this chapter!

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XOXO Grace

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