4. A New Start

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Chapter 4-A New Start

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Chapter 4-A New Start

On our way back home, the atmosphere inside the car remained dead silent. With me occasionally glancing out of the window and Dad tapping away on his laptop beside me. Working. Always working.

As we accelerated down the busy streets of Chicago, I saw people hurrying in and out of the huge skyscrapers and large buildings. Cold wind, bustling crowds, streaming vehicles. Voices. Chattings. Murmurings. Honks. Noise. All types of views and sounds, yet none of those things could rival the chaoticness on my mind, currently overflowing with hundreds of questions. Full of uneasiness. They kept popping in my mind like popcorn since the moment I sat inside the car and all along the way.

Will it be right for me?

Should I choose it?

Will it be worth it?

You knew that feeling, when you had to make a choice but you don't know how to?

Like you didn't knew which path to choose even though, everyone had said this one was the right one and you too could see that, but still there's a little itch inside your body that just wouldn't let you make a decision, wouldn't let you think about the one thing that's probably right for you. See? Probably.

Those times were a real bitch.

And you know what?


Right now was one of those times. Rare moment.

Lucky me!


As though the thoughts jamming my brain weren't an encumbrance enough, another one zipped right inside.

Director Benjamin Hudson.

The person I bumped into just before leaving the premises of Dankworth Academy.

"Apple Carson."

I turned back as soon as I heard my named being called, and there he was.

"Director Hudson."

He stood there with as much expression on his face as he had while sitting inside Principal Hopkins' office, but his eyes still held those incomprehensible strangeness from before. Why was he looking at me that way?

"Are you going to take it?" He suddenly asked. His tone, surreal.

I blinked. What?

"I thought I had time to think." I replied after a brief pause. He was there when Principal Hopkins gave me the proposal.


He just stared at me without a word.

"Do you really need time?" Then this sudden question of his caught me off-guard.

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