8. Royal Eagle Elite Academy

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Chapter 8-Royal Eagle Elite Academy

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Chapter 8-Royal Eagle Elite Academy

Royal Eagle Elite Academy 

The place was just as it was named-an elite school located on the Royal grounds previously owned by the Imperial State of Germany. It was established by the German Emperor in 12th century by King Georg I to provide education for his most capable subjects and scholars. Its history is intertwined with that of the great names of ecology, society and literature. A keystone and a point of reference for European culture, making it in the list of world's one of the most prestigious school.

Afterwards, the school was rebuilt upon the decisions of prominent elites from different parts of Europe who solely belong from the influential and aristocratic families for generations.

Later, the school expanded into a much larger institute consisting the studies of Middle School, High School and Universities.

Only students who belong solely from such elite societies all over the world were able to enroll in it.

A place only for those who were filthy, filthy rich.

Royal Eagle Elite Academy. Germany. Est 1881

I read as our car glided past the sign, and as soon as we bypass it, the next thing that came in view was a complete change of scenery. The road became a lot quieter and the ride became much smoother. The silent path devoid of any traffic encouraged Mr. Stephenson to hit the accelerator into a sprint, shortening the distance between the beauty outside and our destination.

Nature's fresh air entered my nose and filled my lungs, leaving a cooling sensation in its wake. I leaned forward a little in hopes of feeling more of that freshness which we don't usually find in the bustling routes of concrete jungle we called city. Cold air skimmed across my face as they brushed past to coil around my neck and into my hair, making me shiver. This area of Munich was truly nature in its gorgeous form.

Outside, the wide path ahead was smooth and devoid of any vehicles except ours, giving the confirmation that very few people entered this area. Either sides of the road were lined with thick foliage and on the far right beyond the greenery, you could easily make out the turquoise blue lake shining like jewels and reflecting the sky above, which shone in its own alluring way.

If not for our car continuously buzzing down the road, I would've thought I was motionless because of the scene continued being the same for a significant amount of time.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I broke out from my sight-seeing and turned to look at my father-only to find him looking at his phone.

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