11. What Changed?

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Chapter 11—What Changed?

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Chapter 11—What Changed?

The walk back to the Dean's office was silent. Complete, utter silent. If it was any other time I'd be alright with the lack of conversation and would hope the distance to be over with. However, right now? The situation is multiplied tenfold. Meaning-I was way beyond ecstatic for the silence and desperately prayed of needing nothing more than to teleport inside the office.

It was my fault, I know.

I shouldn't have gone there. But you know-Curiosity.

And since curiosity kills the cat, I so know that satisfaction won't bring it back because I didn't received any of it in the first place.

Oh Chris. I miss you so damn much at this moment, I wish you could choke on the hiccups and Mrs. Austin would be so immersed in her dancing with her earplugs on in the kitchen that she couldn't hear your voice. Okay. No I didn't wish something like that to happen.

But damn it to hell, its all your damn fault that I'm currently in this damn situation!


"What were you doing there?" Secretary Parisi's voice abruptly chimed the moment we reached the door of the Dean's office.

I froze at his question.

Remind me again-why did I listened to your stupid pep talks Chris?

Swallowing a tight knot in my throat, I blinked and composed myself then turn to look at him questioningly, appearing clueless to his question. Because I am clueless.

Although it was him who told me 'I can have a look around if I want', I have a hunch that he didn't considered about me sauntering in that area. His current behavior adds up to the fact that the dark room must be a no entry zone.

But there was someone.....

A figure flashed before my vision causing little waves of heat encircling me, and I abruptly lowered my head and blinked furiously to get rid of that thought. 

"I sought you for quite a longtime and even shouted out your name but you didn't answered back. So what were you doing there during that time?"

"Uh actually t-there were no lights and...." I bit my lips in nervousness, tensely tucking a few strands of raven hair behind my ear.

He must have taken my frenzy actions for some sort of embarrassment or anxiousness due to my lack of sense for entering a place without any permission because his serious tone from earlier suddenly turned gentle, "That place is forbidden for outsiders."

Forbidden-yes. That's the right word. I mean, that place did appeared kind of eerie with a dose of mystery with all its lights off and a continuous array of weird paintings lining the walls, however, that didn't stopped me from venturing inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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