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It takes just one of those to topple everything upside down in your life.

Just one.

And everything comes crashing down.

A point of time in life when something unusual or unpleasant happens at the expense of another.

Sometimes, they happen for short-term but sometimes they exists longer, sometimes they are filled with happiness while sometimes they are painful to the point of crushing your soul.

Sometimes, they are forgetten as easily as the doorway effect yet sometimes they carve themselves so deep in your soul that no matter how desperately you want to forget them, you can't. Hence, tagging those moments with a different word.


Such a small, eight-letter word yet adhered to myriad of crucial and potent relations and emotions.

Hate. Rivalry. Enmity. Vengeance. Parents. Siblings. Family. Friendship. Love.

Bonds, experienced by everyone at least once in a lifetime.

Bonds, one remembers their entire life.

Bonds, makes one hard to live without after possessing them once in their life.

Yet, that is not the striking part.

............it is that if they are all fake.

Yes, fake.

Fake. Fake. Fake.

A traitor.

A betrayer.

A destroyer.

Cause family doesn't cheats you.

Cause friendship doesn't cheats you.

Cause love doesn't cheats you.

Cause trust doesn't cheats you.

Its this stupifyingly heart-rending word Fake that slaughters everything one believes to be the reason of their very existence.

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