9. Ahem

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Chapter 9-Ahem

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Chapter 9-Ahem

"Mr. Carson."

I heard a calm and practiced voice call out the moment my shoes touched the stoned ground driveway. Fixing my bag on my shoulder, I closed the car door and unhurriedly turned around to look at the owner of that voice.

Standing at the marble stairs was a tall, lanky man in a two-piece professional suit with his hair swept handsomely on the sides and both of his hands placed forward in a straight posture—looking exactly like a butler.

"Secretary Parisi." Walking forward, my Dad took the stairs and confidently whipped out his hand as the man across smiled warmly and accepted it with a familiar ease. "It might be the fiftieth time I am telling you this, however please just call me Stanislao, Mr. Carson."

Frowning a little, I marveled at their exchange.

Stanislao Parisi.
Secretary to the Dean of REEA.
Must be of Italian origin.

However, Dad knows him?

"Apple, come!" Dad glanced at me and beckoned his fingers, calling me in his usual voice pitch turned just a notch higher.

At his call, I tightened my grip around the bag strap and walked forward after a slight moment of hesitation. Taking the steps, I obediently came to stand beside Dad who placed a hand around my shoulder.

"This is-" He started, however his voice was quickly cut-off by the man standing across us.

"Apple Carson."

I blinked and then smiled awkwardly.

Analyzing the look on my face he proceeded to smile ruefully, then continued on in his clear voice which seemed to have devoid of any accent other than proper English. Was he not Italian? But his name... "Apologies, I spoke hastily. Bringing you any discomforts wasn't my intention. It was just that I already know who you are and got a little excited."

Wh-! Ex-excited?

"You know me...?" I was sure my smile had now become much, much uglier than before.

Observing my gaze, he exchanged a glance with my father then spoke, "Absolutely. You are our SSO student afterall."

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to bash my head against the nearby artifully designed pillar. Ofcourse he knows my name! Feeling utterly embarrassed upon making a mistake first thing when I entered REEA, I clenched my free palm tightly, and then released it only when I felt the hand encircling my shoulders squeezing me a little. Dad didn't spoke a word and let me have the reins. I was thankful for it since from now onwards I had to manage everything on my own.

"Sorry, I am a little nervous today. Please excuse my manners." I nodded in apology and held out my hand for a handshake.

"It's alright. Such things happen." He chuckled lightly as he accepted my hand. "You've a really obedient daughter, Mr. Carson. You must be proud."

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