Get you back-Chapter 8

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Flashback *Highschool*


"Maurice slow down!"

"He gotta learn Kendra !"

Oh lord this is how I knew he was serious, he called me Kendra instead of any of the other nicknames he called me.

Currently, Darius was in search of Elijah because when were were in science class he said something real inappropriate about my mum. He said that she was lucky to have died so she doesn't have to see me fail in life.  All because I wouldn't go out with him.

Niggas are weird.

I was soo upset and started crying when I told Darius. I tried to lie and downplay it but that never works with D. So as you've guessed Darius is now looking for Elijah because he "just wants to talk to him". But we black, we know that don't mean he wanna talk.

I run in front of him and stop him.

"Darius, Baby stop!!" I say pressing my hands on his chest.

"Get your hands off my Kendra." And for the first time since telling him about Elijah I actually felt like I was talking to Darius again and not Driller.

"No! Not until you listen to me. Please bae..." I say whilst rubbing his cheek softly.

He sighs finally taking me in "What's up Drea?"

I pulled him into a classroom and locked the door.

"Ohhh you brought me in here to get freaky. If you wanted me that's all you had to say baby" he says we a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes with laughter. How he's able to switch like that to making jokes, as if he wasn't tryna kill somebody 5 mins ago when he calms down never ceases to amaze me. It really leaves me with so many questions.

I walk over to him as he's sitting on a table and stand in between his legs. "Boy bye. When I choose to loose my virginity I plan to be with someone that can  finish and finish well..."

He does that sexy chuckle, holds onto my waist pulling me closer to him and says "Not only can I finish well....but I will make sure that you finish...over and over and over and over...." by now he was planting soft kisses on my neck because he knew that was my spot. My hands start roaming around his neck as he places small kisses around my neck.

Whilst giggling, I speak up and say "Maurice, wait. Babe you know you've got a basketball game"

"Yeahhh, I'd rather play with something else right now...." he says hands around me waist.

I grab his hands and hold them to a stop. I laugh looking into his eyes "Maurice, I'm being serious. You need to go warm up before you late AND we need to talk about the Elijah situation"

He looks at me in annoyance then gets up. "What a Elijah situation Kendra? Hmm the one where he's a bitch ass nigga that deserves to be 6ft under ? Or the fact that the day he decided to open his mouth and say some disrespectful ass shit to you was the day he signed away his life ?"

I sigh, walking up to him. "D, I know what he said wasn't cool bu-"

"Nahhhh ain't no buts Kendra, everybody in this whole school knows what it is between us. They touch you, they die. They say something out of pocket,  they die. When they see you, that's all me. Besides why you even defending this nigga ? You want him or something?"

I straight face the dumb shit that's coming out his mouth. "Really Darius? Really ? You gonna stand there and say some dumb like do I want him"

"So why you so bothered if I do mess him up ?"

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