The end of us - Chapter 23

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All I know is that I had to get out of here

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All I know is that I had to get out of here.

My mind stopped yet my heart followed through. My heart couldn't comprehend the language of my eyes.

Either that or they didn't want to.

I can't even put into words the moment that had just transpired before me. I didn't want to. I wanted to erase the last 30 seconds from my mind.

Although rage was my first response, these feelings were engulfed by pain once Darius' eyes met mine.

I immediately ran out of the club with the sound of his voice echoing behind me. Slowly getting louder, I could feel him catching up to me. I didn't look back.

I couldn't look back.

Looking back would be facing the reality that the love of my life was the reason for the combustion of my heart.

"Kendra wait! Let me explain!"

I froze at the sound of his voice. My heart instantly shattered into more pieces. I didn't even know that was possible.

I just kept walking until I got to the parking lot. He rushed in front of me to stop me from going any further.

"Kendra STOP!"

"Darius. Please get out of my way"

"Kendra, baby please."

"What do you want ?!" I say retaining little to no eye contact with him.

"I want a chance to explain"

"Explain what ?! I saw everything CLEARLY!" I look up abruptly

"It's not what you think!"

"If I was acting on what I THINK, you would not be conscious right now. TRUST ME !"

"Baby, all I'm asking for is a chance to explain"

"Explain? Explain what? The fact that you have such a lack of respect for our relationship and went ahead to disrespect me in front of everyone tonight? Or the fact that you were able to completely disregard the commitment you made to be faithful to me all because of a petty argument? "

"It's not like that Lani" he reached out and grabbed my arm.

I snatch my hand away from his grasp. "Do not touch me, Darius."

"Look let's just go somewhere and talk and I can-"

"I am not going anywhere with you. Stay the HELL away from me!"

"I can't stay away from you Lani! You're Mine!"

I chuckle out loud "Nigga are you high ?! I and the rest of the club just saw you grind and kiss on another female and you're telling me that I'm yours. Is this an episode of flavour of love ?"

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