Repercussions- Chapter 19

398 11 10

Monday 22nd May

- 6pm


One week

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

One week.

It has officially been one week since I last spoke to her. It's been one week since I was last in the same room as her. It's been one week since I've held her in my arms.

I miss her like crazy.

I know I messed up but I thought we would've made up by now.

She won't answer my calls. She won't respond to any of text messages. I've tried to reach out multiple times and nothing.

I've sent countless gifts and flowers to her house to express how sorry I am but it's like talking to a brick wall.

I can't even focus on the shipments I've got coming through. All I can see when I close my eyes is my baby girl who isn't really messing with me right now.

I groan in frustration.

What do I do ?

As I sit in my office, I begin to lay my head back and reach for the pre-rolled blunt that I kept behind my ear.

Just as I am about to light it up, I am interrupted by rapid knocks on my office door.

With an annoyed tone, I tell the person to come in.

It's Shaq.

He comes over to greet me with our handshake.

"What's up Shaq?  I told you guys I wasn't in the mood to bothered so this better be good"

"Ayo DC it's about East" (My nickname are my initials, for anyone that did not get that)

"What about that punk ass nigga?"

"He's here"

"What do you mean he's here?"

After the whole situation that happened at Shaq's house, I kicked his punk ass out of the gang.

Yes I accept that I messed up but as my boy his loyalty lies with me. You correct me but not in-front of my significant other.

That shit just seem mad shady to me. Like he had an ulterior motive.

Even Hakeem pulls me away and tells me about myself if needs be. He doesn't play when it comes to Kendra and I love that because it prevents me from messing up.

Well most times.....

Anyways, I kicked him out, then did that physical action on his back and legs again and again and again. So why the hell he feels bold enough to come back is almost amusing.

Let me put him out of his misery and just help him along his way to the afterlife.

"I'll be out in 5 minuets Shaq"

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