Grand Opening part 2- Chapter 22

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- 9:30 pm


So I was currently on my way to Darius &  the boy's grand club opening

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So I was currently on my way to Darius & the boy's grand club opening. Believe me when I say I didn't want to go because of the petty argument we are having.

But tonight,  I decided to put all our arguments and disagreements to the side and just be there for him. After all, I can't be blind to the part I played in this. 

Maybe I could afford to be a little bit more understanding. It's just I've spent 7 years without him and I don't want history to repeat itself. I don't want to argue, I just want us to be on the same page. But that means we have to change the way we used to do things.

Besides, tonight is about him and his achievements.

Just then I get an incoming call from Shan.

"Hey girl!" She loudly exclaims on the phone.

"Hey, Mamas" I reply laughing a lil. "Why you so happy girl ?"

"Because I can hear that you're in the car which means I know you listened to what I said regarding going to the opening tonight"

"Yeah yeah maybe you were right"

"Girl,please, I'm always right don't play yourself"

"Yeah yeah. Speaking of their opening, what time are you getting there because you still sound like you're out"

"Yeah my photo shoot finished late and I KNOW Keem's gonna kill me. He wanted me by his side at the beginning"

"I know babe but it's not your fault you're working"

"I know I know I just feel bad you know"

"Well, how long do you have left?"

"Ermmm I've got about one more outfit then I'm done"

" Well have you picked out what you're wearing?"

"Yeahh, all my shoes and makeup are here as well. I'm going to get ready here and make my way from here to the club"

"Then you're good. Just take care of yourself and get there in one piece."

"Yeah yeah I will ! You worry too much"

"And you don't worry enough"

Just then I hear a voice in the background say, Shan we're ready for you.

"I guess thats my que" She says in reponse.

"Go out there and be beautiful as you do"

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