"Finally free" a small smile crept to my face, but only to see there were guards too. But they were busy chatting with each other. So I slowly managed to pass the parking lot. After I passed the the parking lot, I ran as fast as my legs could carry.
I could get help from a vechical that was passing by, I thought. By now they must have already know that I had escape so it's better not to go along the road. As I was thinking there were some cars speeding up my way.

I knew it was them. My heart raced. I didn't want to get caught.

I quickly went inside the forest. I heard the loud screeching of  their cars stopping behind me. I ran inside the forest. I was scared that they would find me, they would be so mad. The voices was not far behind me. "There she is" someone shouted,I started to run again. I hid behind the trees hoping that they wouldn't see me. After sometime I started to run again.

I was on the otherside of the forest by now, and they haven't stopped chasing me,I kept running and hiding behind the trees. There was a road at the end of the forest. Guess this is not a big forest. I quickly went out of the forest and ran along the road only to be stopped by a car. It stopped just infront of me with a loud screech. The tinted windows rolled down......

There was a pale skinned man. He got out of the car. He was also wearing a black shirt with black ripped jeans. He had a bandana on his forehead with his hair falling on top of it. I turned towards other direction to run. This guy was not a total helpful one,I was pretty sure he was one of jungkook's men. I couldn't run far behind. I bumped hard into something,I fell down on my butt. As I looked up,there was jungkook with two other guards next to him. He grabbed my hand harshly. He straightaway slapped me hard on my cheeks. My cheeks were burning, I felt my lips were stinging. I touched my lips to see that there was blood dripping. His rings had cut my lips. I gave him a death glare. I tried to slap him back, but this he grabbed my hand,and threw it harshly.

"Nice try princess,but remember, that doesn't work everytime,so try something new"  jungkook said. He drag me near the other guy who was already watching everything that was happening,leaning to his car.
"Suga hyung"  jungkook said.
Oh so his name is Suga.

"Tsk Tsk,this little girl was the one who escaped the hands of Jeon Jungkook?" The pale guy said looking at me.

Jungkook grabbed my hand behind and He clipped handcuff on my hands.
" let me go" I tried get away from his grip but only to get hurt by the cuffs.

Suga leaned near my face. He held my chin so now I was looking at him,but I quickly looked away. Sacred to look at him in the eye. He didnt pass my vibe list,not anyone from here did passed it.
"Are you scared little one? "

"Oh... how bad of me, I couldn't introduce myself ,right?" He said with a play full smirk.

"I'm suga,you will not escape and have these funny little acts here after, just under my supervision,do you understand? ....What your nameagain.... y/n?" Suga rub my bleeding lips with his thumb. I winced in pain.
I simply nodded not looking at his eyes.

"Well Jungkook,isn't she a good listener?" Suga said looking at jungkook.

"Get inside the car" jungkook shouted as he pushed me to suga's car. "Hyung, I'll go with her in the backseat" jungkook said suga as he sat next to me.

Suga simply nodded,and started to drive.

It was quit until suga cut it off.

"So jungkook while we were talking on the phone,she managed to escape from that restaurant? Is that so?" Suga asked jungkook still focusing on the road.

"Yeah" jungkook said.

so this person was the one who was talking with jungkook while I was in that washroom. My thoughts were cut off by Jungkook.

" I told you not to run right? Why did you run?" Jungkook was clearly angry.
I didn't say anything.

"Talk or that pretty mouth would be crushed by hands" he said.

" You took me away from my parents and you think I am an object to be sold off like this."I told

"And for your information I will try by best to escape from you guys" I said Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Let's see about that" jungkook said.

<<after sometime>>

I must have fallen asleep.Jungkook woke me up.

The car was pulled away from the road and stopped infront of a mansion. I was so sleepy.
suga was already out of the car.
I didn't want to go,but a hand grabbed me,it was non other than Jungkook.

"Come out, this is Mr Kim's house." He is not still at home but he will come after few hours. He is out for some of his business work. You will see him tomorrow. With that he grabbed by my arms and headed to mansion. He unclipped my handcuffs.

I was not in my sense, I was very sleepy. Jungkook showed me a room and he dragged me to the room. He said some sort of things but I couldn't get it to my mind,I was sleepy. I couldn't careless.I sat on the bed and layed down. I could see Jungkook closing the door behind him as he left the room.I soon drifted to sleep.

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