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Caleb's Point of View:

Life has the unwanted and unforgiving tendency to head in directions you neither want nor need, getting out of hand in ways you never intended. Why? The answer is simple; human beings possess the annoying tendency of being unpredictable creatures when cornered, even in the case of confronting truth or fear. If you were to put forth a morally challenging question to a group of people, such as, 'Do criminals deserve to die?' the substantial majority would give the expected, rational, socially acceptable answer. However, there exist some very important factors missing when those types of questions are being asked. Stress, environment, connection, and sanity, to name a few.

It's easy and natural to give the expected, 'No. Everyone deserves to live' or 'Everyone deserves a second chance' speech, when you have no knowledge of the nature of the crime committed, or when you or someone close to you is not directly affected by the crime.

That being said, though my situation is not as extreme, I found myself mired in one such situation where the majority of the human population, would have easily and quite quickly stated what they would have or would not have done or said. In my case, the phone conversation I had been dreading, happened today. It started with the standard exchange of greetings and pleasantries, but quickly switched to unwanted, by me, territories.

          "Cal, I am worried about you. I've been worried since you left in the middle of the night without even the cordiality of an explanation. And yes, I am fully aware that I'm not entitled to any explanation about the decisions you make, but it would have been nice if you had given one. Instead of just leaving a note saying 'I just can't be here anymore, sorry.' Had you talked to me, I would have understood your decision to leave. But to disappear like a thief in the night within the first couple of days of your two-weeks planned visit, leaving only a simple note behind, was not only worrying, it was impetuous and downright disrespectful. And to make matters worse, you didn't even call back to let us know what was going on or why you had to leave in the first place, so of course, we were out of our minds with worry__"

Rolling my eyes at the last part of that sentence would have been the perfect response had it not been for the pain they were currently entrenched in. 'Everyone one was worried' yeah right, and I can shoot fire out of my fingertips. There is no doubt in my mind that he and aunt Elena were worried, but the others, I'm sure we're only pretending for, Cee's, sake.

          "__No one knew where you were. You were on vacation time, so neither your boss nor assistant knew of your whereabouts. That guy, Keith, didn't know either, or rather, he refused to answer any questions. Desperation was my only reason to have established contact with him in the first place, and yet the bastard acted as if I was some nosy outsider. God, even though he is your best friend, I can't bring myself to like him__"

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