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Caleb's Point of View:

"Their 'change' may have benefited me when I was a child, but now that I am an adult, it is no longer required, and neither does it holds value. I also no longer require it at this point and time in my life. Do not get me wrong, Dr. Ross, I do not hate my parents. I just don't love them."

"And if they were to__ cease to exist tomorrow, how would you feel?"

"The same way I would if a stranger ceased to exist. You give your condolences and move on with your life." This time my frankness did shock her. But she wanted honesty, and I had no reason not to oblige. What would her facial expression look like if she interviewed my parents and discovered they felt the same way I did? It would be worth a hefty giggle or two, for sure. My bios were nothing if not honest; that was the one good point in their favor; they never pretended to love or care for me; they were always upfront and brutal with their truth.

"So, you would not mourn them at all?" Her question was in no way judgemental; it was more of a curiosity on her part.

"Well, their deaths would certainly be a loss to the academic world, and I guess you could mourn that fact, but otherwise, no."

I understood her curiosity. Most people would mourn their parents -even the not-so-great ones- but my bios were absolute strangers to me, to the point where I do not believe that I would be able to muster up a single tear if they were to cease to exist. Even though I was the project that took them years and many tries, once successful, discarding the 'completed' result -me- took them less than a millisecond. They did what was required of them and, in doing so, demonstrated to be successful not only in academia and life but in procreation as well.

She nodded at my answer, eyes roaming my face several times over as if trying to dissect what was happening in my head, as all therapists/psychiatrists do. She soon gave up, or rather, she allowed it to slide as she settled back into her chair. But I could tell that she would be revisiting my parents' conversation in the future. Not that there was anything more to say about them. I knew just as much as the rest of the world knew about them; she would be in for quite the surprise during her next visit.

"So you were telling me about the person who called you__" her change of subject was not as smooth a transition as when she started her line of questioning, but I gave her an 'a' for effort.

"Have you tried looking him up on social media?"

"I did look but found nothing." I shrugged.

"Isn't everyone on social media these days?"

"Apparently not, or maybe he goes by a different name on social media." I smiled, "I, however, cannot judge him, for I, too, have little to no social media presence to speak of."

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