Chapter 10

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Sorry in advance lads :)


The next week was arguably the best of my life. I spent a few days at Shady Belle, doing the least strenuous tasks that Miss Grimshaw could find for me while I regained my strength fully. Javier didn't venture too far on jobs while I was stuck at camp, choosing instead to remain with me and redress my wounds as often as he needed to.

Arthur seemed to make it his duty while he was at camp to keep an eye on Micah. He had told Dutch what had happened, but Dutch brushed him off. That worried me, how deep had Micah got his claws in already? But Arthur went to Hosea, who told him to keep an eye on matters. I had to hide my concern from Javier, which was easier said than done, or else I would have had to come clean on the whole from the future thing.

Luckily, Micah didn't say another word to me. I caught him staring across camp a few times, but he never approached me, and he didn't seem to have said a word to anyone else. At least, not anyone inside the camp.

Once I was better, Javier and I went out on a few jobs together, robbing folk while keeping as low a profile as possible. We avoided Saint Denis, focusing instead on the roads surrounding it, even going a bit north to Van Horn for a few days.

I knew Dutch was trying to come up with a plan on how to get more money, but I hoped with the lack of Angelo Bronte, maybe things would turn out better than they had before. I would warn him of the events I knew only if it was necessary, but I knew I had some time before it would be. 

Arthur promised to let me know the second Dutch was planning anything, but Dutch seemed to be keeping secrets from him too. Micah was worming his way in as Dutch's right hand man, yet Arthur was unwilling to admit it yet. Hosea recognised it, but tried his best to placate me. I was just worried that Micah would ruin any progress I had made in avoiding the destruction of the gang.

But these concerns soon fell away to new ones. The honeymoon period between Javier and I lasted much less time than I would have liked, though it wasn't a standard disagreement or anything that caused a bump in the relationship. What happened came out of the blue, a reality check for me.

"We're going for a drink in Saint Denis," Arthur said, approaching me as I stared over the swamp, having finished my chores, "Javier and John are there already, the rest of us are heading in to join them if you want to come?"

"You're really inviting me out with the boys?" I laughed, turning to him.

"Well, Micah ain't coming," Arthur leant against the wall, "And I am not letting you stay here without someone I trust to keep you away from him."

"So, its not so much an invitation as an order," I laughed.

"Come on, saddle up," he clapped me on the shoulder.

We rode into Saint Denis, heading straight for the saloon. Arthur, Charles, Sean, Lenny, Bill, and I rode in, Dutch and Hosea having left a bit before. Apparently they all just wanted a drink, the swamp life had been boring them, but I knew they were also planning on scoping out as many jobs as they could see.

I was happy to join them for a drink. If there was one thing I hadn't experienced much of in 1899, it was the drinking culture. I knew at least Hosea could be trusted to stay sober enough to keep me out of trouble. I was quite excited!

That excitement disappeared as soon as the saloon doors opened, Arthur stepping in ahead of me and freezing. He turned, his hands going on my shoulders to push me out, but he was too slow. I had seen already.

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