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Maggie understood the main concept of the game, but she wasn't into people bashing each other to the ice or into the boards

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Maggie understood the main concept of the game, but she wasn't into people bashing each other to the ice or into the boards. She wasn't a fan of seeing a rubber object being shot at one's body and the physical aspect of the game was intimidating. She didn't mind watching the game and no matter what team she rooted for, she always felt for any injured players from the opposing team. It was awful to see how dangerous the sport could really be when one thought it was so fun and safe.

She sat with Neveah and her other friends at the top of the stands, away from Varsity on the far side, above the Warriors' bench. Cozy and warm in her jacket, she munched on a bag of popcorn that Neveah had managed to eat most of. The game was almost finished as it was, a few minutes left.

Maggie didn't like the way the game was ending. She'd been to many games and had seen many different comebacks, but nothing quite like this. This was terrible. Her team was winning and in the lead for the majority of the game, but then things started happening and she didn't know what it was. She noticed Varsity laughing the entire time for the last five minutes at how Blakeview continued to rack up points one after the other.

The JV team showed tactics she hadn't really seen before such as the 'Flying V' and other rinky dink tactics that many people laughed at. She felt bad, but it was hard when the team had practically dug their own grave, allowing themselves to fail. Adam Banks had attempted to clap many times, but Varsity always shoved him and said not to.

JV lost the game and Maggie couldn't help but feel bad and shake her head, seeing the tied game. Eden Hall never tied games. They never did and this was a disappointment to all. Maggie proceeded to stand up with her friends and she gave a glance to the JV players on the ice before leaving.

Exiting, she wandered down the hall with her girlfriends to where they were stopped by Varsity. Rick approached the group and Maggie didn't want to speak to any of them, they hadn't really cheered. They made fun of the kids more than they cheered them on. "Maggie, what made you show up to this game?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, you've not been coming to our games." Cole adds.

"You never ask and before you tell me you do, it's more so demanding that I show...I came too this game because they asked and suggested I come watch."


"Hey, come on." Scooter spoke up, defending his sister. "She can have friends who we don't like, you know? I mean, yeah, they're little runts, but she seems to like them, so what?"

"So what? That screws us up in this-" Rick cut himself short and Maggie eyed him, wondering why he suddenly cut himself off, hiding something. "You know what, never mind." He waved a hand in the air.

They walked off, but Adam remained, liking the idea he had a few friends his age to speak to. Maggie gave him a kind smile before the group went to walk when they were stopped, coming face to face with a bunch of saddened and angry sweaty teenagers. Adam gulped, unsure of what they were going to say. They were upset they'd lost their best player, but no one could do anything about it.

"Cake-Eater." Russ shook his head to Adam.

Maggie furrowed her brows. "You guys did great." She told them.

"Great's a poor choice." Charlie sighed, pushing wooden locker room door open and walked in, followed by other people.

"Thanks for showin'." Dwayne said. "Didn't think you would."

She shrugged. "You asked, I came." She answered. "All you gotta do."

"Adam." He nods.

"Dwayne." Adam nodded with a small wave.

Maggie turned upon the players leaving to their locker room. She faced Adam. "They would do better if they weren't so caught up in winning."

"Yeah," He rubbed the back of his head. "There's more to it, Maggie."

"How so?"

He shrugged. "You don't know?"

"No, tell us!" Neveah peeked over Maggie's shoulder, looking at Adam.

"Varsity and JV don't get along well. Especially the three and three."

"Which three and three?" Maggie questioned.

"Your brother, Rick, Cole and then Charlie, Fulton, and Russ. Three big powerhouse personalities. I don't find it fun playing for this team, yet I love hockey too much to go back." He answered.

Maggie sighed.

She was going to do something about it, she didn't know yet what it would be, but she was determined to do something. She adored her brother very much and the Varsity boys, but when it came to picking sides, she knew the best side was the underdogs because they were trustworthy and knew what it took to go from bad to the best. They knew the pressure and determination, so, she was going to try and help them out. Even if it meant just being their friend to lift their spirits.

"Scooter's driving us back." She points to Neveah. "We'll see you tomorrow, Adam."

"Bye, Banksie." Neveah waved, using the nickname Varsity had given him.

He waved a simple wave before watching them leave.

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