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Friday evening approached and the dinner had been going well until Varsity ditched and left the JV team with a large tiered cake, a note, and the bill

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Friday evening approached and the dinner had been going well until Varsity ditched and left the JV team with a large tiered cake, a note, and the bill. Varsity found it to be a blast and got a great laugh out of it. Out of all of them, only two really felt bad. Adam Banks felt terrible because he knew his friends combined couldn't pay for that bill. Scooter Brooks on the other hand too felt bad, but he knew those kids couldn't mess with him or his teammates and this was to get them back for that prank they pulled.

JV had argued a bit and grown frustrated over the bill because none of them could pay for such a thing, which led them to a few hours of working. Only a mere few got to wait tables whilst the rest cleaned. Some cleaned tables, some cleaned dishes, some cleaned the washroom, some attempted to help cook, but they all were stuck doing some sort of work.

Among a few of them, there was a plan being set into place to get those guys back. It was something that they would need a bit of planning before the execution process. Charlie had it bad and he wanted to get them back real good and have them pay for what they'd done. All of them were on board with this scheme to get their revenge.

When they finished paying off the bill, they walked around the courtyard back at the school. Varsity was either asleep or showering since it was around ten at night. The group wanted to get it done quickly so they could too go to bed, but being stealth and careful meant taking a bit longer to get the revenge plan into play.

"We need to be quick about this, it is night." Charlie said, looking to his group.

"We'll need people to keep guard of the building while the rest are inside." Russ nods.

A large paper on the ground with their ideas as Connie and Julie wrote. They formed different teams and even drew an entire diagram of where everyone was to be placed. "We also need people to collect the ants." Fulton spoke. "I'm not doing it."

"So, here's what we do." Averman continued. He was part of the original pranksters with Charlie back when they were young, so he knew what they were doing and what to expect. With so many of them, they could pull this off quickly.

"All right," Julie looked up. "Let's all get the supplies we need and meet back here in a half hour."

"In groups of two so we don't get caught." Luis pointed. "Come on, Ken." He nods.

Splitting up, the groups wandered off to get their supplies that they would need. This included animals such as a horse as well as the Brazilian Fire ants, something none of them wanted to be bitten by. While they were doing that, other people were still out and about in the dorm building.

Maggie Brooks came back from the movies with a few of her friends. Neveah had went to stay a friend's house and Maggie was fumbling around her bag for her key to get into the building. The doors were to lock at eleven, but her dorm was still locked.

Inside the school, Charlie and Russ were getting the ants. Fulton, Luis, Goldberg, Averman, Julie, and Ken were inside setting up on the Varsity dorm level. Outside, Guy and Connie were in a tree looking into the windows of the rooms to make sure everything was looking good according to plan. Dwayne was also outside, riding a horse as he secured the premise of anyone entering or leaving.

"Psst, Dwayne, there's someone on this side of the building." Guy called into the radio.

"Roger, I'll check it out." The boy returned.

Connie rolled her eyes, annoyed with Guy not letting her do anything. It was supposed to be a team effort, but as of then, it was all of Guy, not her. Meanwhile, Dwayne clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth and the horse trotted along with a tap to the side. With a lasso in hand, he kept steady as he led the horse in the direction he wanted to go.

Walking along the sidewalk, Maggie looked up from her bag quickly upon hearing something odd. Almost the sound of some clicking against the concrete. She furrowed her brows and looked around, spinning a circle to see if she could see what else was out there. She turned around to face the direction she was going to and stepped back seeing something large approach her in the darkness.

Maggie eyed the large figure up and down, the only thing giving it away that it was a horse was it's shuffle of it's lips smacking against one another as it breathed. "Horse?" She spoke up, confused.

"Maggie?" Dwayne questioned. "That you down there?"

"Dwayne?" She walked forward. She noticed he was on the horse, a black mask across his face to keep himself unrecognizable and she laughed. "What're you do-"

"Shh." He cut her off and hopped off the horse. Grabbing the reins, he led the horse behind him as he approached her. She had no idea what he was doing out there in the middle of the night. Especially looking like Zorro with a cowboy hat and plaid. "I'll let you inside, but be quiet."

"What're you talking?" She asked. "What are you guys doing?" She continued.

"It's nothing." She shook her head, not believing him. Then her answer came.

The radio spoke up and Guy had spoken. "Is that side clear?"

Maggie crossed her arms over her chest with a smirk. "What game is this? I want in."

He brought the radio up and pressed the button. "This side's clear. Got myself a partner though."

"A partner?" Guy said, confused.

"Who is it!?" Connie had taken the radio and since the button was still pushed, Maggie and Dwayne could hear them bicker back and forth for the radio.

Maggie smirked again, swiping the radio from Dwayne, who went to take it back, but failed. "It's Maggie, I'm gonna have some fun too."

"What is she doing there?" Charlie spoke. "Dwayne, get rid of her."

"Sorry Charlie, my school. My rules." She told him. "Don't be a snob about it."

"Oh." Guy replied.

With a sigh from the library, Charlie replied to the girl. "Fine. Stay with Dwayne and keep quiet."

She tossed the radio back to the cowboy before turning and approaching the horse where she began to pet it. He shook his head at how she answered Charlie Conway confidently.

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