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Holding onto the edge of the boards, Maggie watched Dwayne skate around the ice as he and the others were warming up

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Holding onto the edge of the boards, Maggie watched Dwayne skate around the ice as he and the others were warming up. She had a pair of skates laced around her feet as she watched them. None of them knew she could skate and didn't ask if she could, they simply assumed that she couldn't for the fact she said she doesn't do sports. However, Maggie knew how to skate. If she wanted to keep up with her brothers, it was obvious that she too need to learnt o skate.

Nevaeh stood on the ice in a pair of shoes with crossed arms as she watched, eating yet again, a bag of chips. Not a fan of the ice sport, she munched away and listened to the sound of her jaw crunching oily fried potatoes. She even licked her fingers once there was too much crumbs and oils, but never offered any to anyone else other than Maggie, who kindly rejected the offer. .

Coach Orion had already done a practice with them earlier after school. They worked hard and he awarded them with their white Duck jerseys, saying they weren't skating like Warriors, but Ducks. All of them had put lots of hard working into learning the curves of two way hockey, but also learning to clear the net. By using garbage, it helped them to learn the tactics on why Varsity was so fearless and strong around the net.

It was evening, after dinner, and everyone had taken a good two hour break eating at Mickey's diner together. Maggie and Nevaeh hadn't joined since they already had other plans with their folks, but showed up to help them perfect their skills.

Charlie skated up alongside the boars, shaving the ice as he stopped on an angle and Nevaeh glared to him. "These were new."

"Well, you shouldn't bring new shoes to the hockey rink." He told her.

"You shouldn't be so rude."

He laughed. "Anyway," He looked over to Maggie. "You gonna show us something or stand there?"

She pursed her lips together before nodding with half a smile. "Well, I don't want to get in the way, but you guys need to perfect a few things. For instance, Luis's stopping, Dwayne's showboating, the enforcers' strength. You."

"Me?" He pointed to himself.

She nodded. "You have to show them the way." She points around the entire rink at his friends, his teammates; the Ducks.

And so, Maggie watched the group finish warming up before everyone started working on the skills they needed to perfect. And though Goldberg was practicing his enforcer position with Coach Orion, Julie was helping him on net with Guy, who took shots on net at different angles, which would help Goldberg at learning the different areas and touch points.

Charlie and Averman helped Luis with his stopping. Dwayne perfected his puck handling skills with Adam, both good with puck handling, but Dwayne was the best. Adam also helped him to loosen up on the showboating, while the rest practiced using their strength to outwit the bigger players. In terms that meant staying on their feet and Fulton showing them how to stand and block for maximum performance.

Nevaeh had pulled herself above the boards, bringing a leg over her knee as she watched with a sigh, not too much of a fan. She wondered why Maggie was there helping, the girl didn't know too much about hockey, so Nevaeh didn't know why it was in the Ducks' best interest that she be there. However, if she were there for eye candy, Nevaeh totally supported it.

"If they wanna how to block someone, I'll show them how it's done." Nevaeh said, hopping off the boards carefully and walked off, shuffling across the ice like a baby penguin learning how to walk.

"Nev, I don't- Oh, who cares." Maggie sighed, realizing that Nevaeh was too far away to even try roping back.

Nevaeh walked off and got to the middle of the rink where most of the players were. She approached casually with arms crossed, all of the boys and Connie stopping, wondering what she was doing there. "What's up?" Russ asked.

"You should be over there." Ken points, simply concerned about the girl wearing slip on shoes on the ice, a pair of flats to be precise.

"I'll show you how it's done." Nevaeh approached Fulton, the guy being one of the taller and broader ones there, so she assumed that it would what she was about to try.

Fulton hadn't said anything, unsure of what Nevaeh was to do. She was a wild card sometimes and he had no plan to further inquire himself on what she would be doing. It seemed best to keep it that, for everyone's sake. The snobbish girl approached Fulton and raised her hand, reaching for his collar and pinched a pressure point. The guy collapsed to his knees as he groaned and told her to shove off.

"Ugh, ya can't do that." Russ laughed.

"Not to mention, how the hell are we supposed to do that when we're skating?" Fulton got to a knee, easing the pain in his neck as he stretched and turned his neck.

Nevaeh shrugged. "Who cares?" She shrugged, clearly not caring it was a violation of the rules and she didn't understand that currently they were standing around, which meant that whilst skating around with wooden sticks, it would be much harder to obtain one's hand to another's collar. "I don't." She shrugged again. "I'm just showing you a method."

"A great one, but we can't do that." Connie said with a laugh.

"Try something else." Ken suggested.

Maggie shook her head with a chuckle glancing away.

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