Secret's, Secret's, Secret's

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The streets of Vale are livelier than usual as preparations for the Vytal Festival go under way Team RWBY walk through the streets as a banner marked "WELCOME TO VALE" is placed overhead. Weiss walks underneath it with an exited grin, "The Vytal Festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!"

Ruby puts her hand on her hip and looks curiously at Weiss, "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out..."

Weiss looks at her with a flabbergasted expression, "How could you 'not' smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the word! There will be dances, parades, a tournament! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking."

They continue walking and Yang sighs, crossing her arms, "You really know how to take a good thing and make is sound boring don't you? At least Ellis can talk about his books and I'd be half interested."

Weiss turns to her, "Quiet you!"

Blake turns over to a store and remembers something, "Speaking of books, I need to grab the latest issue of... of a series I like. Can you guys come and get it with me really quick?"

Ruby turns to her exited, "Of course Blake! It's better than being out here and smelling the fish."

The three of them turn towards a bookstore and enter, a little bell going off when the door opens and the girls step inside. Once they get in and the door closes, Blake goes up to the counter and rings the bell, "Be there in a second!" A voice that sounded familiar ringed out from the back room and soon from behind the door his voice can be heard getting closer, "Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade; home to every book under the sun!" The person talking exits the door and it reveals to be Ellis. He sees everyone and continues talking until realising who they are, "How may i... help... you..." Everyone stares at him surprised and Weiss drops a book she was holding, "Oh poop..."

Weiss walks up to the counter with a confused face, "Why do you work here?"

Ellis scratches the back of his head, "Well I came here to grab the latest issue of Aura is Unbreakable and saw that the place was hiring, I thought it would be a good way to earn some extra lien just in case I need it..."

Ruby rushes up to him exited, "DOYOUGETFREEBOOKS!?"

Ellis backs up a little as the girl lifts herself on the counter, "Sadly no, Tukson doesn't really give out books for free."

Yang yells out to him, "Where are the comics at!?"

Ellis points behind her with a smile, "Near the front, Yang."

Yang goes towards the comics while Weiss and Ruby walk around, Blake leaning forward hiding her face as she asks, "Is the latest issue of Ninjas of Love in stock..."

Ellis smiles sly as her and leans closer to her and nods to her, "I'll see if we've got it in the back."


Ellis walks through the back doors and goes into another room, filled with boxes and labels from A to Z. A big man in a grey shirt and blue pants walks towards him, his face housing a pair of muttonchop's, "Who's at the counter Ellis? They sound like friends of yours?"

Ellis laughs and goes through the N box, "They are, friends from Beacon. One of them is looking for the latest issue of Ninjas of Love."

Tukson laughs a little and sticks his hand into another N box taking out the book Ellis was looking for, "She must be into some weird stuff."

Ellis grows a smile and takes the book, "I don't really know her that much, she's kinda mysterious. But even if I did know her more I doubt she'd share what she's "into"."

RWBY fanfic: Team EMRC Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now