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[ Word count : 930 ]

Paris, France December 1989.

Rebecca's P.O.V

"Alfonso , Alfonso", I screamed trying to get away from the inevitable danger that was behind me my legs were tiring , my chest was burning and each step made it harder for the oxygen to bless my lungs but I had to keep moving I had to get to him .

"je la vois", one of them said, as if things couldn't get any worse, they found me I knew they would but I thought I would have more time.

As if things weren't bad enough the anxiety was creeping up my hands were sweaty and now I could feel tears welling up in my eyes making it harder for met to see then out of nowhere I can feel a pair of strong hands grab my waste hardly and push against the brick wall in a dark alley , covering my open mouth with his gloved one, my first instinct is to kick him in his jewels then I hear it my name from his mouth and my body stiffens .

"Rebecca it's me Alfonso hey I know your scared but we have to stay quiet or they'll find us "he says and, in that brief moment I can see the fear in his eyes but then he pulls me into his chest and slowly I'm at ease but brought back to reality when I hear the search party swarm off into the cold Paris night not noticing us in the alley and I'm thankful but I know we have to keep on moving

"Look we have to leave Paris as soon as possible it's not safe here "He rambles," Yeah I know, but how the hell are we going to get past the borders every fed in the country is looking for us and our bank accounts are frozen were will we go to!" I ramble on "Yes I know but a friend of mine is waiting for us at the harbour we have to leave now our stuff has been moved but we need to go "he says while dragging me unto a fire escape "why are we going up there ", I say shivering , as a puff of chill air escapes my nostrils "There are too much search party's on the ground we need to on the buildings the harbour's not that far love" he said .


After a what felt like an hour we had made it an although Alfonso didn't look fazed by all the running I couldn't say the same for myself my feet were swelling and I felt like hurling my guts out .Once we got to the border we were greeted by a friend of Alfonso who introduced himself as Xavier , he was going to smuggle us across the French waters on his boat .

To say I was sceptical about the plan at first was understatement ,I didn't trust Xavier not to sell us out after all there was a hefty price on our heads that I and actually didn't trust anyone but my husband nowadays somebody close in our circle was selling us out and let's just say we weren't the only ones wanted we were just unfortunate enough to have our identities revealed.

Basically, the plan was simple we were going to climb in the back of his boat and wait till he got us past border check apparently, he was a local here and they usually let him by without checking I just pray to GOD we make it out of here alive.

Once were in Xavier closes the door that leads to the top deck and everything is pitch black, I hold unto Alfonso's hand and he strokes my hair gently as he says a silent prayer and I say one to.

After a few moments I feel it the boat isn't moving anymore and I can hear bickering on the top deck I lift myself a little hire because the voice is speaking in rapid French, I can't quite decipher it

"Xavier les protocoles ont change nous devons vérifier le bateau certains criminels sont en liberté ", (Xavier protocols have changed we need to check the boat , some criminals are on the loose) The officer I assume speaks sternly with no trace of familiarity in his voice ,"So what now you think I'm a criminal " Xavier says feigning innocence "No its just pro-"he starts but Xavier cuts him off "So I'm guessing allowing of illegal drugs and armed weaponry into the city is also protocol and yes I do have evidence and just" what do you think the mayor will say when he finds out what you've been up to" he says and I can help but smile sensing the cockiness in his voice ,"No!, No you can go "he pleads in English this time" Thomas move the boats so they can go through" and just like that I can feel the boats moving again.
            Once we get far in off I turn to Alfonso "Hey what are we going to do now were free but where do we start "I sigh feeling exasperated "well I have an apartment back in the states its small but we will make do "he explains "Hey I know this isn't what we planned but at least were together and I promise as soon as we get there I'll make you a bunch of macaroons ",he continues "OK you had me at macaroons "I say and I hear him let out a whole hearted chuckle which makes me smile , so I just lay in his chest and let sleep overcome me .

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