Chapter 3: Night Talk

Start from the beginning

"Her birthday came, he tried hard to prepare a birthday surprise for her, and decided to finish the surprise that her brother who died was about to hold for her. But the day after the birthday surprise, he broke her heart. They were attending a wedding of their best friend. She saw it by her own, he was kissing the girl that she hated the most; the girl who dated him before." 

"They got back together again, but in several weeks, she died. Actually, they're not really together. The boy deals with the girl to date for a month, and if he did make her fall for him in that month, they would be official. That boy never know that the girl always love him. She didn't accept him because she found that she was suffering from leukemia at the day the boy confessed to her. She didn't want the boy to be alone after she left the world."

"He was broken when she dead. Well, who wouldn't? Seeing that the person you love the most died. After few weeks that she died, he was dead too, in an accident. I guessed they were happy up there, in the heaven, or probably reborn." Xiumin granddad looked up at me. "The girl was Jocelyn, and the boy was Chen." 

"Harabeoji, do you think Jocelyn reborn and she's here right now?" I tilted my head and asked. There's possibility, right? I mean, Suho and Xiumin granddad both said that I looked like her, and I was even named after her.

"Probably. I told you before that deep down inside a person, he or she will still have the memories of his or her previous life, right?" 

I nodded.

"This is true. And harabeoji was hoping that you would find it one day, and you would find it at the right time, right place. A place which meant the most to your previous life, it would come back all, at the same time, but only at the right date." 

Xiumin granddad held up my hands and continued talking. "You know, Yoon-Hye-ah, harabeoji just wanted you to find your true love. I want you to be happy with him, always."

"I will, be happy with Myungsoo, just like you wished, harabeoji." I nodded. 

He shut his eyes for a while and sighed. "That's good."

"What were the two of you talking about?" Suho granddad came out and said. Yes, we're living under the same roof, all eight of us, including Suho granddad’s younger brother, Kai who didn't come home frequently. 

"Just telling Jocelyn the history of Jocelyn and Chen." Xiumin granddad chuckled.

"Oh, the example of the sweet couple, and true love?" Suho granddad chuckled too. 

"Ahh, yes. They're really sweet, especially when all of us were around them." Xiumin granddad beamed.

"I thought Suho granddad you were asleep." 

"Oh, I heard noises so I decided to come out. How's Myungsoo?"

"Fine. Well, the boys just happened to drag me out from the shop when he was trying on the suit." 

"Oh, really? Haha, they're as childish as us before." Suho granddad laughed.

"Yeah. Childish, and weird too." I complained. 

"Hah, really like us." Xiumin granddad laughed a bit too.

"Okay, harabeoji, you two should go and sleep now." I stood up and told them. I took a glance at the clock on the wall, and added, "It's late now." 

"Never mind, Celyn. If you're tired, just go and sleep first." Suho granddad said.

"Okay." I nodded and went to my room. 


Suho’s POV 

I watched as Jocelyn went into her room, and shut the door behind her.

The next century- We met again (EXO Chen fanfic) [Sequel to WSWEKEOFTS?]Where stories live. Discover now