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Kakashi:Hey Naruto you need to go change pants


Kakashi:your not allowed to wear ripped jeans.

Naruto:why can't we wear ripped Jeans?

Kakashi:Because its sexually distracting to the students.

Naruto:hu what. BITCH WHO THE FUCK IS SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVED TO KNEECAPS BITCH WHO LIKE BITCH WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT GOES. *takes a deep breath and makes his voice deeper* Damn baby look at them sexy kneecaps~~

All of rookie 9 and Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, sai, and Itachi: dying from laughter

Kakashi's mind:I don't get paid enough.

Naruto:now unless your 'sexually attracted to these neko neko nii caps I'm not changing shit. Are you........ okay so I'm not changing

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