petty pranks

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"Sakura we should prank teme and Gaara" Naruto said. "Okay sure" Sakura said.

As they went through with the plan they had heard the car pull in. "There here there here" Naruto whispered. "Okay ready go" Sakura said. Putting  the camera in place and recording.

"SAKURA YOU BITCH" Naruto yelled. "HOW AM I THE BITCH YOU WHORE" Sakura yelled back. "AND HOW AM I THE WHORE YOU SLUT" Naruto clapped back.

Gaara and Sasuke put the bags down and ran to the living room to see Naruto and Sakura arguing.

"AT LEAST MY HUSBAND IS AROUND" Naruto yelled. "AT LEAST MY HUSBAND IS LOYAL" Sakura yelled. "AND MINE HAS TWO ARMS AND WHAT ABOUT YOURS BITCH" Naruto yelled. "H-" Sakura was cut off. "HE GOT ONE" Naruto yelled. "NARUTO YOU DEMON HOLDING SLUT ILL KICK YOUR ASS" Sakura said. (Naruto also gave her that you can say I ain't got no parents card)

"THAT'S WHY I HAVE PARENTS YOU LEG SPREADING DICK SUCKING TAKING IT THE ASS SLUT I ALSO WASN'T NEGLECTING FROM TYE VILLAGE" Sakura said went into the guest room and slammed the door. (Sakura gave Naruto the at least my parents love me card and the neglecting card)


Gaara and Sasuke looked at each other. "Time to go comfort Sakura/Naruto" they thought and walked over to the rooms.

Sasuke POV

As Naruto said that his parents still love him I knew Sakura started to cry. Sakura's parents never really loved her when she came out to them as bi. I walked onto the room to see her crying. "Hey Sakura" I said and sat on the bed. "W-why did he-he have to go there" Sakura cried. "Come here baby" I said as i opened my arm up.

Sakura laid down on my chest and I rubbed my hand through her hair.

Gaara's pov.

I walked into the room to see Naruto crying into a pillow. "Hey baby come here" I said and sat down. Naruto shifted around so that he was laying in my lap. "Sh-she di-didn't have to go t-there" Naruto cried hiccuping. "Shhh" I said and rubbed his back and my hand through his hair. Naruto soon stopped crying and fell asleep I tucked him in and went into the kitchen to make some food.


After Sasuke got done comforting Sakura and she fell asleep the kids came down.

Shinki POV

As me boruto and Sadara had to listen to our mother's fight I comforted them. I was the oldest so it was my job. Soon after hearing the doors open again I got up which alerted the others. "Shinki-nii where are you going" boruto said. "Imma go downstairs okay" I said.

"Were hungry shinki" sadara said. So then we all walked downstairs. "Papa" I said. He turned around. "Yes shinki" he said. "Were hungry also why was Dad and Auntie fighting" I asked.

3 pov

As Gaara was making food he explained what he knew. "Also Gaara-San why did they insult each other about there parents" Sadara asked. "Well Sakura doesn't really have a good past with her parents, and Naruto's had died after his birth." He said.

"Also papa why did auntie talk about neglecting" Boruto asked.  "You father is a Jinchuriki and was treated poorly and was pushed around. Danzo also tried to make him a wepons so if we went into war Naruto would be forced to join in war." Gaara said and handed them there lunch.

Naruto soon woke up. "Gaara" Naruto mumbled. He sat up to see Gaara sleep. Him and Sakura left their rooms. "Hey Sakura" Naruto said "hey" "bitch our acting is in point" Naruto whispered.  "Gurl it is" sakura said

"Should we tell them it's a prank"  Naruto asked. "Yeah we should not over now anyways" Sakura said.

A few hours later

Gaara and SasUKE walked out of the rooms and saw Naruto and Sakura cuddleing (platonic love) "oh hey guys it was a prank and shit now move from the TV" Naruto said they moved. Sasuke sat by Sakura and Gaara sat by Naruto

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