He is mad

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Naruto came home in a bad mood. His hair raised up. Trees that he passed were no longer standing. He walked past Gaara shinki and boruto. "I'm watching my tone" gaara said. "Dun Dunn du" boruto said. "I'm not talking back no" shinki said. "Why" Naruto asked. "Cause imma get thrown" that all said.

Naruto soon got a text from sai. It said. "Dickless you have more work to do also calm the fuck down" as Naruto read the text he got even angrier.  And called ino.

"Hello Naruto" ino said. "Hey ino can I please punch sai in to a wall?" Naruto said. "Why what happened" ino asked.

"Well your husband sure knows how to get on people's nerves." Naruto said. "Did he call you dickless again" ino asked. "Yes and I'm already mad about all that damn paperwork like I'm the fucking hokage I shouldn't be doing paperwork but trying to help out" Naruto growled as he got another text.

"Dickless stop being so fucking lazy and come do this paperwork. Damn yo lazy ass. Even the Nara's are better than you"

"Ino imma kill him" Naruto said. "Please don't kill him also if your gonna hurt him please don't go for his face we inojin and sai have a family photo we need to take" and that was the last of ino.

Naruto stormed out of the house. Sai was walking by and Naruto punches him in the gut. "Calling me dickless is one thing but insulating me and the nara's are another" Naruto said his eyes glowing red.

The villagers looked at them. "Haha no worries guys just how I great sai" Naruto said and walked away.

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