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"Rey" I whined when she hadn't given me something to do "I wanna go outside"

"No, what did I say about you going outside again after your birthday? Especially with that wrist, you can't wear your handcuffs, can you?" She asked

"But I wanna go," I said "all I ever do is sit in here, I don't do anything wrong"

"I know, but let's just stay inside for a few more days and then you can have some more freedom," she said "yeah?"

"Are we almost there?"

"Two days away," she said "it's taken us a little less than four weeks, that's normal"

"But I'm used to being on here now," I told her

"I know, me too. It'll be okay, you can have an even comfier sofa at home" she said

"Sofa? Are you kicking me out of the bed?"

"Well yeah, it's my bed," she said. I rolled my eyes and buried my face into a pillow "what?"

So I'd given her absolutely all of my kindness, patience and attention for days and she still didn't want me in her bed. Was she even attracted to me at all? It didn't seem like it, all she did was miss signs that I'd out there on purpose, and I was sick of it. I knew that her trust would come easier from a romantic perspective than a friendship perspective, but it seemed that even getting her to like me proved unmanageable.


"You could go stay in one of the guest rooms, but I spend most of my time and I sleep in the pool house," she said and I lifted my head off the pillow

"You live on your own in the pool house?"

"Yeah, I have since I turned eighteen. It just gives me some space, you know?"

"From me?" I wanted her pity so I wouldn't risk being alone with her father, and I could tell that it was working because of her sympathetic expression.

"You wanna stay with me?"

"Yeah, I don't wanna stay with your dad"

"Of course not," she said

"Thanks for looking after me," I said

"I'd want someone to at least do the same if I was in your situation"

"Mhm" I sighed

"Is something wrong? You've been so happy these past few days"

"I know, but nothing I want is happening," I said and looked her up and down

"I can't send you home if that's what you mean," she said and patted my head, which I leaned into "you're really weird. Also, Lucy lives with me in the pool house. She's my special girl so she comes with me everywhere"

"I can be your special girl too"

"Sure" she laughed. How could she not understand that very blatant request for affection? "I can have two pets"

"I'm not a pet!" I protested

"Stop acting like one then" she teased

"Shut up," I said and snatched her controller from her, making her die in her game almost instantly.

"Fuck you" she complained and restarted it "I don't like you"

"That's mean Rey Rey"

"Rey Rey?" She asked

"Yeah, whats Rey even short for?"

"Are you high on something?"

"No, why would I be high?"

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