Another friend of Thorne's, Jay Ward, began attending community college at the same time Thorne enrolled. However, what no one expected was for him to excel in his classes and soon be gifted with a scholarship to Princeton University, where he transferred and began studying to become a lawyer. He's been dating Haley Rutherford for a few years now, a girl he met at school, and I've heard that things between the two have gotten pretty serious.

Asher Owens is a friend of Thorne's whom I know distantly, though I've somewhat kept up with what he's had going on over the years. He used to be involved in a street gang with Thorne, though he's since cleaned up his life after breaking free from illegal activity. He moved towns to attend university, but remained in state. I recall that he used to date Mia's high school best friend, Emmie Miller. However, their relationship didn't make it past a year of college. They had a falling out after realizing that they were on two different paths of life, and I'm not sure if they've kept in contact since parting ways.

I know Emmie vaguely, but in the time I've spent with her I have gathered that she's a rather vivacious personality. Emmie and Mia became close through their childhood, their friendship lasting into adulthood. Emmie attended the local college (the same school Blake attends and Mia graduated from) before she transferred to a university in New York after she and Asher broke up. Shortly after graduating, Emmie was offered an internship with Vogue, which soon blossomed into a full-time job. She went from unpaid intern, to writer, to editor in the span of months.

Charlie and Violet Adams have been married for a few years now, and they're the only two of Thorne and Mia's friends that still live in town. After getting married, they settled down together and bought a house. They recently took in a German Shepherd, and he looks vicious but he's really a big softie.

Today is the day all of us finally come together again, and I'm anticipating the gathering in excitement. Now that everyone is graduated, they'll be staying in town until after the wedding before returning to their respective homes.

After me, Charlie and Violet are the first to arrive. Mia answers the door and grins the instant she sees the two girls standing in her doorway.

"It's so good to see you!" Charlie exclaims as she enters the apartment, throwing her arms around Mia. Although she has matured throughout the years, Charlie still appears relatively the same as when I first met her. Her long black hair cascades over her shoulders, her gray eyes gleaming brightly to match her smile.

"You're getting married!" Violet cries as she joins the hug. Violet's short dark hair is tinged with purple hues, and she's dressed as exuberant as her personality.

"We're getting married," Thorne corrects Violet as he strolls not the room, casually wrapping an arm around Mia and pulling her close before kissing the top of her head, gaze soft as he glances down at the girl in his arms.

"Well, look at you," Charlie teases Thorne. "All grown up and engaged. I'm so proud." Charlie ropes Thorne in for a hug, ruffling his hair playfully.

"What?" Violet taunts. "No hug for me?"

"It's good to see you too, V," Thorne murmurs as he embraces her, clearly happy.

Soon enough, the group turns their attention to me. Charlie releases a gasp as she heads my way, gray eyes gleaming as she offers me a grin.

"If it isn't Noah Reed," Charlie teases. "It's been so long since I last saw you! How are you?"

"I'm doing good," I assure her.

Violet approaches me, gaze steely as she cracks her knuckles. Before I can register what's happening, Violet's fists collides with my arm, the impact bruise-worthy.

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