5. new friends

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elena took a deep breath.

she walked through the door of snape's classroom to begin her tutoring session with calum. she looked around and saw him already there, setting up a cauldron at the back table.

"hey," he looks up and smiles at her. "ready to get our potion on?"

elena laughs at the terrible joke. "sure, cal."

"cal?" he asks then nods his head. "I like it."

elena smiles and sets her books on the table.

"so what are we making?" she asks, putting her hands on the edge of the table and standing up on her tip toes.

"amortentia," calum states. "I figured we could start with something easy. do you know the ingredients?"

"erm, I know you need mother of pearl and ashwinder eggs." elena says, those 2 ingredients being the most easily remembered.

the boy nods. "right, and rose thorns, peppermint oil and moonstone."

elena starts gathering the ingredients from the shelves in snape's classroom, carefully picking up the glass jars and retrieving the amount she needs.

"so, you know I was thinking..." she starts, bringing everything back over to their workstation. "I guess since you're being so kind and helping me with potions, I could help you out with defense against the dark arts."

calum's eyes widen. "really?"

before elena could reply, the boy wraps his arms around her, pulls her into his chest and engulfs her into a hug. she was surprised at first, not expecting such an intimate gesture from the durmstrang student, but then she hugged him back, taking in his scent and how his body felt against hers.

the hug was over too quick in elena's opinion as calum quickly pulls away and looks down. "um, sorry." he laughs awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.

"no, no it's okay," elena smiles then bites her lip. "um, so amortentia."

"yes! amortentia." calum repeats, opening his advanced potions book and flipping to the page with the directions on how to create the mixture.

the two begin to brew the potion, calum making sure that elena carefully read all of the instructions. he taught her some of his practical tips and tricks to potion-making.

"oh, stir a bit slower." calum says, putting his right hand on elena's as she stirs the potion. elena swallows when she feels him place his left hand on her side, pressing his stomach into her back. the boy leans down, putting his mouth beside her ear. "yeah, just like that." he mumbles, moving her right hand in circles.

elena feels chills travel down her spine as the boy's lips linger by her head and she continues to steadily stir the potion. she looks down at his hand on top of hers, feeling the heat from his body radiate onto hers. her eyes travel along his tanned arm and she sees the same ink that she asked him about yesterday.

"your tattoos," she says, taking her left hand and running her finger over one of them. "will you tell me about them now?"

"oh um, sure." calum says, standing up and taking his hand off of hers.

elena continues to stir the potion and watches as he stands beside her, rolling up his sleeves all the way.

he explains to elena the meaning behind his tattoos, why he got them and how much they mean to him. listening to calum talk about something so meaningful so passionately made elena smile.

"that's really sweet to get your family tattooed on you." she tells him.

"well, family is forever you know." calum shrugs, rubbing his wrist.

different // calum hood + hogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now