Triple Wedding

20 2 7

Seo Changbin

"Make sure its tight enough." I commanded.

"This wont keep me!" He shouted.

"Where's that duct tape?" Jeongin rummaged thru the tool box.

"That wont shut him up. Lets just tie this around his mouth." Seungmin was holding a long piece of cloth.

"Do you think the chair is sturdy? What if he uses it to break free?" Woojin hyung asked.

"He's not an action star. Besides we used handcuffs and tied his legs and feet, he wont be able to move." Hyunjin checked the knots.

"Aigoo stop squirming no one can hear you." Jisung slapped him.

"It still went down to this." Chan hyung shaked his head.

"No time to be a softie." Minho hissed at him.

"You guys finished tying him up?" Aini barged in the room, we nod and she came closer. "Sorry felix cant have you ruining my wedding!" She squished his cheeks and taps its slightly before leaving.

"Lets go." I followed aini then we left the stock room.


Heres the real one😘

3-4 years later....

Seo Changbin

I cant believe it, it seems like yesterday i was still just a trainee waiting for my life to begin. And now ive achieved so much more than that. 

"You ready hyung?" Felix peeked his head at the door.

"Stop being dramatic, i wanna get married already." Minho came in.

"Dude?! Youre taking longer than the girls lets go!" Chan hyung pulled me.

We got into our places, the  ceremony started. The line of the entourage started with the Best man, since there were 3 of us there's 3 pairs of everything. And becoz we didnt care who the best man is the single ladies i mean guys had a war of rock,scissors,paper. Jeongin was chan's best man, seungmin was minho's and mine was felix... he cheated btw.
Originally family members were supposed to take part on this but the 3 sore losers begged each of our family to let them take the part. So hyunjin insisted that he was the light bearer (whatever u call it.) his main reason is that his handsome face will go well with the candle. Jisung will put the veil and woojin will be the one to put the cord.

They were chaotic they wanted to do different things from each other, when they could've just all be a light or candle bearer or whatever. Thankfully the families gave up and just gave them the spots.

Once the entourage of the brides started we all couldnt stop smiling.

Bang Chan

I looked at my bride and i never felt so happy in my life. I patted minho and changbin's back. They both nodded and looked at our best man's and the 3 that were sitting. They all gave us an encouraging smile. I can feel myself tearing up already.

"Save it later hyung." Minho whispered.

"Speak for yourself." I replied, minho quickly wiped a tear.

Changbin takes long slow breaths. He couldnt contain his excitement. Aini giggled at him.

Soon we were standing side by side and the guys did their roles, they were all sniffling and crying. Hyunjin tried to keep his composure but his tears fell to the candle making him try 3 times, jisung forgot to hold the veil since he was busy wiping his tear so he panicked when he saw his partner eyeing him. Luckily woojin was composed when putting the cord but when he sat down he sobbed loudly.

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