(28) Kick it

14 2 0

Jung Sowon

Inha came over to help get ready for our company grand ball, she did my make up and picked out the dress for me since i was too busy with work. I was all done thanks to her, i finally looked alive for the first time in a long time.

"Waah, i really love your long brown hair right now." She fixed my curls once more.

"Thanks, i should get changed now."

I slipped on the black satin dress and wore my earrings, inha helped me with the necklace. I was hesitating if i should were a ring, so i skimmed thru my jewellery box for a matching ring.

My hands immediately picked up the ring and felt my stomach in a knot. (Double knot)

"Minho." I uttered.

"Minho?" Inha peered over my shoulder. "That ring? Thats his? How is that possible noth-"

"No-no, its mine. He was wearing it that night..."


I wore it and stared at it as if it can have magic.

"Do you still wish that chan will remember?"

"At first i did. But i realized how it was embarrassing and selfish of me."

"What do you mean?" I turned around and faced her.

"If he remembers it, he'll question why it happened in the first place, why did i wish for it or how come i never told him the truth... you know things like that."

"I guess thats true."

"It will be like i casted a spell on him, who knows how he'll react if he remembers. He could get scared or angry but i know it wont be like that. Im just having doubts.. besides its better this way, we can start anew and be real."

"I guess so..." i stared at my hands once more.

"I heard johnny is coming to the ball."

"Yeah, he told me yesterday. There are a lot of other company representatives coming, thats why i really needed your help. I have to be presentable."

"Girl, youre more than presentable. You could be the face of korea!" She gestured to all of me.

"You truly are my friend." I passed thru her and wore my heels.

"Im gonna start the car."

The doorbell rang, inha ran to the gate to open it.

"Who could that be in this hour?" I wasnt expecting anyone... i decided to step out and see for myself.


"And Jisung." Inha added. Jisung appeared behind minho.

"What are you guys doing here?" I lifted the ends of my dress. They werent speaking.

"Speechless i see. You guys tell her your reasons,Ill get my car." Inha left us.

"Jisung? Why didnt you tell me you guys were coming?"

"Wow noona! You look great. Are you going somewhere?" Jisung eyes widen.

"Thanks but you didnt answer my question." I turned to minho, he just stared at me so i raised my eyebrow at him.

"Oh, uhm uh... we wanted to surprise you. Plus we were bored so.."

"Oh, you shouldve come a lot earlier. Im sorry but i need to go already." I turned back inside and got my bag, i started to lock and closed the doors and windows. The two followed me around.

Something Kinda Crazy: Lee Know ft. Bang Chan fan fictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu