(14) Lover

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Bang Chan

It was my dream to be a singer, to write and create songs to be remembered and loved by a  lot of people but to do that i had to pay the price. At a young age i lived and relied on my own because i was a trainee. I worked hard each and everyday, i endured all the pain and exhaustion, i learned how to wait and kept on pushing myself to be the best. I got the opportunity and i was even blessed with a team, a family that i can be with, someone that kept me company through all the hardships, someone who has my back even if i protect them most of the time.

The lights and cheers were overwhelming, i felt alive being on stage and seeing our fans. Seeing how they support us from then until now makes me wants to be more, to do better. I love my life, and how blessed i am to be with people who helped me grow and cares for me, but there were many times that i felt empty. When the show is over, when im in bed alone, there's this hole that cant be filled even with my members and im not being ungrateful.

Through my teenage years i ignored it, but as times goes by it becomes evident and im very ashamed that i feel weak and that i need a companion. Someone who'll love me even when everything is gone, someone i can vent to and tell my frustrations that im embarrassed to say to my family and friends. Its lame but sometimes i wish for someone to come into my life and love me because im just me, someone that can make me feel special even when im off the stage and be that person i can run to.

It was 3 am and i decided to go buy food since all this overthinking made me hungry.

I was making my way inside but a girl was standing in front of me, she looked surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

I was only wearing one earphone, i was shocked since i didnt know her.

"Do i know you?" Maybe an old friend that i dont remember?

"Im sorry i thought you were a friend of mine." She was staring at me, i cant say she wasnt pretty but it was a bit weird

"Its fine." I gave a small smile and left, i should leave quickly she might recognize me and ill be in trouble.

I made my way back once i got what i needed.


I was out for a stroll at the park, i needed to relax, i feel so pressured since i havent been able to write for few days now.

I sat down under a big tree, and tried to sleep but i couldnt so i just looked around and admired the view. A girl was walking by her shoulders slumped and she had a long face, she was definitely sad. She was wearing a formal attire, perhaps she got fired? What no that would be a bad guess. I observed her as she started to walk aimlessly. After a few walks she sat down on a bench across from me, she hung her head low. Maybe she's tired? I squint my eyes and tried to look at her more, its like ive seen her before. She stood up and walked to my direction, i looked down so she wont see me, good thing i was wearing a black hoodie and a beanie.

I waited till she made a good distance and followed her, i dont know why but i was intrigued by her and how she looks familiar.

I followed her to a noodle shop, i saw her back view and thats when it hit me. I sat down beside her to make sure it was her, she wasnt looking at me, she really sounded annoyed when i started talking to her, she probably thought i was a creep.

She was surprised when she finally looked at me, the whole time we were talking she was really staring at my face, i felt uneasy because of her stare, she was really pretty and my confidence could disappear anytime soon if she doesn't stop.

Something Kinda Crazy: Lee Know ft. Bang Chan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now