(15) I Dare you to Move

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Jung Sowon

I went back home with inha. Ive been a walking zombie for 4 days now, i dont bother to speak to anyone. I only speak when my professors asks me a question. To be honest ever since grandma died i dont talk much, so to sum it all up ive been quiet for 10 days now.

I went home from school and i went straight to bed. I closed my eyes since all i do is sleep these days i cant sleep much now. I do eat just to avoid making everyone nag me, i dont lock my door so they wont get worried.

"Sowon, we need to talk." Lee know came in.

I turned my back at him. I felt him walk closer to my bed.

"This isnt gonna help you, we need to talk. I want you to talk to me, it wouldve been fine if you talked to inha about it but you shut everyone out and im not gonna let you do it any further."

"What do you want to talk about?" I raised my voice at him.

"I want you to tell me everything!" He yelled back.

"Listen, i appreciate that youre concerned but i dont need your pity! I want to be alone." I turned my back again.

"Im not gonna leave you alone, i gave you that space before and you wont have it any longer. I know youre sad that she's gone but moping around wont bring her back sowon."

"Stop this, leave me alone like youre supposed to. You dont really care for me. Youre just here because i want you too."

"You love your grandma i understand, she loves you and she wouldnt like this. She wants you to be happy, she wants you to be strong and not be afraid." he seemed to be getting mad.

"You dont know anything."

"I do know. She told me a lot when she came here. I want to be here for you, you dont have to be afraid of anything sowon. Death ends life not relationships." He sat down beside me. "She might be gone, but she's alive inside of you, in your memories. There are many things she wants for you, and i hope that you do it not only for her but for you too."

I still wasnt facing him.

"I dont want to talk to you anymore, please get out." I shut my eyes.

"I got this from your sister yesterday, its from your grandma. Read it." He stood up and left my room.

I looked beside me and found an envelope.

My dearest Sowon,

Im writing this letter in case i dont get the chance to tell you what i want. Im very old and as much as you want me to live forever i cannot do that. You have to accept that my child.

I love you my darling sowon. I want you to know that i understand why you left, so dont feel bad about it. You got into a good college because of it and im so proud of you. Im happy that you learned how to be independent, but being independent and studying cannot be used as an excused to not visit your family sowoniee. I know there's still pain in your heart, but you need to let go and move on darling. Forgive your father, he regretted it since he lost his precious wife and daughter. He loves you dearly and it pains him that you dont see him the same way. Everyone makes mistakes, but because you love them you forgive them. Like i will your father will also pass, i dont want you to live with regrets of not forgiving him. Anger and pride is the worst thing to keep. I know that you'll listen to me.

If youve held this letter it means im already gone. I want you to do another thing. Live a good and happy life. Im never gone sweetie, ill always be inside your heart. Be happy even when im not around, for my sake. Find love and cherish it. Love will make you happy sowon even if you get hurt in the end you shouldnt regret it. Never regret loving, be proud that you have loved because of it you'll sleep in peace knowing that you have done your part in love and you continue to do it.

A lot of people care for you, talk to them. Let them know what you truly feel. Dont shut anyone who tries to be close to you and care for you. I know someday someone will endure your stubbornness and will stay with you throughout everything. Love him with all your heart and let him in. I dont want you to be afraid, take risks and enjoy life like youre supposed to. Nothing lasts forever so make the most out of everything.

Do visit me and tell me everything about him. Knowing your taste i know he'll be the best and most good looking guy.

Let everyone you love know that you love them my little sky.

Ill forever be with you like the clouds
Your best friend grandma.

I cried again but this time it wasnt because of sadness or pain. It was because of her love for me that never died. It was because i realized how lucky i am to be surrounded by people who care for me. I got up from my bed and looked for lee know, but he wasnt there anymore. He left me a note telling me to eat.

I heard a meow, and looked behind me.

"Hey buddy. I missed you, it feels like i havent seen you for a long time. Is it because i was busy not caring?" I hugged ttalgi. "You became lighter, dont you like your food anymore?" I get up and made her milk.

I stared at her, i remember that me and dad really loved cats. We would play with the stray cats in the neighbourhood.

I grabbed my phone and called him.

Dad: sowon? Why are you calling is there a problem? Are you okay?
Me: im fine dad. But i need to tell you something.
Dad: go on.
Me: im sorry. Im sorry for not treating you the same way, im sorry if held a grudge on you for so long. Im sorry if i ignored you and never talked to you. Im sorry...

I started to cry and i can hear him cry too.

Dad: im sorry that i wasnt a good husband and father. Im sorry that your dad wasnt a good guy. Im sorry that you had to suffer because of me.
Me: i guess we both have things to be sorry about.
Dad: thank you for forgiving me sowon.
Me: forgive me too dad.
Dad: you dont have to ask.
Me: i love you dad.
Dad: i love you my daughter.
Me: ahhh, i wouldve come over there and hugged you but i have school tomorrow.
Dad: you can visit on your break. You need to make up in class.
Me: okay.
Dad: eat well okay?
Me: yes sir.
Dad: good, oh thank your boyfriend for me.
Me: what for?
Dad: i was supposed to bring your grandmas letter over there but i had work so your sister had to meet him up here so you can have it. He came as soon as possible.
Me: really?
Dad: i dont like celebrities but i approve of minho he's a good kid and he cares for you. Send him my regards.
Me: ill talk to you again, i need to do something. Bye dad.

I wonder where jisung lives. I better ask chan tomorrow.

I promised ill do it right this time. Ill follow my heart.

I wrote this chapter on Aug 4,2019 i smiled when i was editing the page and saw that i mentioned walking zombie and its 2020! What im trying to say is LISTEN TO ZOMBIE BY DAY6 this is a clear sign!

Also another fact, the quotation "Death ends life not relationships." Is from Mitch Albom's book called Tuesdays with Morrie. I recommend reading it, ive learned a lot of life lesson. Sorry for being chatty.


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