(10) She will be Loved

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Jung Sowon

Its saturday morning, i packed some clothes i need. I decided to go home tonight and sleep at my grandma's house. I called lee know since i have to let him know.

Minho: oh hey sowon im already leaving, do you want me to bring anything?
Me: no dont come.
Minho: why?
Me: are you free tomorrow?
Minho: yeah i am. Are you busy right now?
Me: im actually leaving later, im gonna visit my family.
Minho: i see, you dont have to meet up with me tomorrow then just stay a bit longer there.
Me: you see, ill be sleeping there tonight and i want you to come over in my parents house tomorrow. Is that okay with you?
Minho: sounds great. But why out of the blue?
Me: i actually missed them, and grandma wanted me to introduce you to the family. I dont want to break a promise.
Minho: i see, i should see you off?
Me: dont worry, we'll see each other tomorrow.
Minho: okay. Are you already packing? Did you eat?
Me: ill eat after i packed. You should eat too.
Minho: okay take care sowon.
Me: oh by the way. My dad likes persimmon and my mom and sister loves pizza.
*i hear him laugh.*
Minho: thanks for the tip. Are you afraid they wont like me?
Me: im sure they'll like you.
Minho: you think so?
Me: im 100% sure they've been bugging me to get a boyfriend since my sister is married.
Minho: youre technically saying that they would like me never the less since you brought home a guy, and not because of my personality.
Me: im sure they'll like your good looks.
Minho: i have an excellent character.
Me: yeah but they wont totally believe it since every boyfriend is kind in the first meeting.
Minho: arent you too logical?
Me: am i?
Minho: you always are.
Me: find another girlfriend then.
Minho: okay then, i wont see you tomorrow.
Me: omo, this is the first time you answered me like that. Are you getting tired of my sarcasm?
Minho: what if i am?
Me: good for you then.
Minho: no matter how tired i get i still love you. My patience with you overflows like the waterfalls.
Me: you should stop coming with me to the library, youre starting to sound weird.
Minho: i am weird.
Me: yes and thats why i like you.
*he didnt speak, i looked at the phone and the call wasnt dropped.
: hey you there?

Minho: im sorry my heart stopped for a second. I was touched.
Me: youre so silly.
Minho: this is the longest call we ever had.
Me: youre right.
Minho: we should do this often.
Me: why call when youre always with me?
Minho: whatever just finish packing.
Me: youre bothering me how will i finish?
Minho: ill stop bothering you then.
Me: i was just kidding.
Minho: geez just tell me if you dont want me to hang up. Youre so wish washy.
Me: then dont hang up on me.
*he didnt speak again.*
: if you dont speak ill end the call.
Minho: yah yah, i was just speechless.
Me: ttalgi is looking for you. She's walking around the house. She misses you she's meowing to me.
Minho: maybe its you who misses me.
Me: were already talking so i dont.
Minho: im gonna read between the lines, it means you missed me earlier and now youre okay since you heard my voice.
Me: thats bad.
Minho: bad?
Me: no i was talking to ttalgi. She was scratching the door. I should feed her.
Minho: okaaaayy???
Me: ill see you tomorrow?
Minho: oh.. yeah of course.
Minho: see you.

I looked at the duration he was right,That was the longest call we ever had. Was he right? Did i really miss him already? Youre so stupid sowon, what will happen to you if he's completely gone? I feed ttalgi and continued packing.

I was now on the bus its gonna be a long ride so i rested for a bit, i sat beside a lady so it was fine.

I got off the bus and embraced the familiar surroundings. The sun was almost setting, i should hurry. I entered our house, grandma's house is at the back of my parents house so ill just sleep there.

They were all there, mom,dad, my sister and grandma. They all cheered when they saw me. My sister lives 5 blocks away from here so she visits often.

Something Kinda Crazy: Lee Know ft. Bang Chan fan fictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon