Chapter Sixteen

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"So... how are we feeling?" Kelly said carefully after a few minutes of silent driving. The fancy subdivision had quickly given way to gas stations and highway driving.

"Fine, actually," Jeisson said, slouching down further into this seat, getting comfortable.

"Is that the Valium and champagne talking?"


"I've never seen anybody chug champagne like that before. You know, you're supposed to enjoy it. Not down it like you're shotgunning a beer can."

Jeisson shrugged and turned to look out the window, counting the cars that passed. Sure, maybe he had had a moment there where was he was a bit upset at his father. But what did it matter? His father's disinterest was nothing new to him. He hadn't spoken to the man in over a year. What did he expect?

Nothing, he expected nothing. And if you expect nothing, then you can't be disappointed. So he wasn't disappointed. He was just pissed because Bruce was an asshole. And Jeisson wasn't a fan of assholes.

They had passed four silver, two black, and a lime green car.. There weren't many lime greens out there, so that was a bit of a treat. Jeisson was having a bit of trouble concentrating though, so he turned his attention back into the car and turned on the radio.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. June. "Hello?" he answered.

"Pip, I'm so sorry."

"A great start to any conversation," Jeisson said, fiddling with the visor on the passenger side. He slid open the cover to the mirror and looked himself over. He didn't look too sloshed. At least, he didn't think so.

"They're really short-staffed at the hospital tonight. They called me in for an extra shift--"

"And you're taking it," Jeisson finished for her.

"Yeah, I really should. But there'll be other math competitions right?"

"Sure." God, what a sobering thought. Jeisson flashed his teeth in the mirror, making a grimace and then sticking his tongue out at himself. He heard Kelly chuckle beside him.

"You can take a Lyft to the competition. Use the credit card. I wanna hear all about it when I get home tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Sure thing, Mom." Jeisson shut the mirror and started messing with the air vent controls instead.

"Okay, love you!"

Jeisson hung up. "What the hell is this?" he asked, pointing to the radio. Some sort of tribal chanting was coming out of it.

"I don't know, you turned it on," Kelly said with a laugh. "I don't have my stations set for this bougie town."

Jeisson started scrolling through the channels.

"Isn't Valium a downer? Why are you so uppity?" 

"Can you schedule a Lyft in advance here?" Jeisson asked, ignoring her question.

"No, only in the city. Why? You need to go somewhere?"

"Just this stupid math competition in Wilmington."

Kelly smiled wide, her eyes brightening in delight. "Hold the phone. A math competition?"

Jeisson groaned and pulled the lever to make his seat go all the way back.

"You're competing with your friends, right?" Kelly asked. "They're like... what is it?"

"Mathletes." Jeisson covered his eyes with his arm. "Why on earth did I agree to this?"

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