Chapter Four

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"And this is the common room," Adam, the RA said, motioning to the common area inside the wing of Jeisson's dorm. He was assigned to C-wing. There were four wings, A through D. The common area consisted of a few worn couches, an old chalkboard, and one of those old tube TVs. There was a small kitchenette in the corner, and a large fridge.

Jeisson looked up and spotted the upstairs hallway, the wall cut out so you could look down to the common area from it. Two students were up there now, whispering to each other and looking down at him. His new wing-mates, he assumed.

"So this is the place where the boys hang out. Netflix and chill and whatnot."

Jeisson choked back a laugh. "So there's Netflix? On this?" he asked skeptically, eyeing the old TV.

"Oh, uh, no, actually, it's just an expression. It means to hang out or whatever."

"Yep," Jeisson said, fighting to keep a straight face. "That is what it means."

It took Jeisson all of two seconds upon meeting him to tell that Adam was one of those "I'm just one of the guys" types of residential advisors. The kind that wanted to be best friends with you. That had trouble enforcing the rules because of that fact. The kind of RA that Jeisson could really exploit. 

Adam was short and stocky, with uneven patches of facial hair growing on his chin and creeping down past his sideburns. He wore a Dungeons and Dragons t-shirt. "Let me show you to your room," he said.

Adam led Jeisson up the stairs. They passed the two students, who went silent upon seeing them. They even shrunk back a little when Jeisson passed, as if they were afraid of him. Jeisson didn't mind that. He gave them a convincing glare as he walked by, causing them to shrink even further.

All of the room doors were painted a very deep purple. Jeisson thought it was an odd choice, but not displeasing. Adam stopped at the room labeled with the number "17." He opened the door wide for Jeisson to enter.

The space was small but in a cozy way. There were two sets of identical furniture: beds, desks, drawers, and lamps, divided evenly between the two sides of the room, creating a perfect symmetry. Well, it would have been perfect except for the door that led to the bathroom was only on one side. 

What Jeisson assumed would be his side of the room was completely bare. No bedsheets or decorations. But the other side wasn't much better. Other than a blue comforter and some items neatly arranged on the desk, the space didn't look very lived-in.

In front of the desk, his back to them, sat a boy about Jeisson's age. His hair was arranged in a short, tidy afro and he was wearing a plaid button-down shirt. He had large headphones over his ears.

"Remington?" Adam called.

The boy gave no response.


Still nothing. Adam went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. The boy jumped, startled, tearing off his headphones and glaring up at Adam. "What did I tell you about touching?"

"You said not to do it. But you weren't responding."

"I'm studying the Mozart effect on concentration and state of mind for appropriate work flow." He seemed to notice Jeisson for the first time. "Who is this?"

"This is your new roommate. Jeisson. Jeisson, this is Remington."

Jeisson gave a salute. "Hey."

Remington ignored him and turned back to Adam. "I thought I was going to have my own room for the duration of the semester."

"Change of plans."

"I'm happy to go home," Jeisson said, putting his hands up. "We can reevaluate my admission next semester."

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