Chapter Nineteen

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Paxton found him on Monday on his way to the dugout to meet Karolina. "Got your next assignment," he said in a whisper as he pulled Jeisson to the side of the building. "Another English essay."

"What is it with these students and avoiding their English papers?"

"It's a school for math and science. There's no time for foolish pursuits like English." He rolled his eyes in a way that let Jeisson know he disagreed with that philosophy. "No one gives a fuck about Chaucer when they're focused on Newton."

"You read Chaucer?"

"I'm fluent in Middle English."

Was Paxton ever going to stop surprising him? "What's the assignment?"

"It's a paper on A Midsummer Night's Dream. Here are the prompts." Paxton pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his backpack and handed it over to Jeisson. "It's for that kid, Grunberg."

Jeisson's eyes went wide. "Grunberg? David Grunberg? The kid that won't stop glaring at me because he thinks I like to break rules? Really?" 

Paxton shrugged. "People are complex, my friend. They contain multitudes."

Jeisson wasn't sure if Paxton was the wisest person he'd ever met or just full of shit. He pondered it as he headed once again toward the dugout. He still couldn't quite believe that Grunberg would cheat. Was this a scam to catch Jeisson in the act? But Paxton said he wouldn't share his name with anyone, and the kid seemed trustworthy. Jeisson supposed it wasn't that far of a leap to think that Grunberg might just be a giant hypocrite. Plus, he needed the money.

Karolina was already there when Jeisson arrived. She was sitting with her back to the wall, her legs up and crossed beneath her. She was already smoking a joint.

"You're late," she accused, but with a smile.

"I got caught up." Jeisson sat and she immediately handed the joint over. He took a puff and passed it back.

"With what?"

"Private business."

Karolina raised an eyebrow at him. "What? You're not going to tell me?"

Jeisson shook his head, mock serious. "Can't. It's a secret."

She smiled coyly, and Jeisson felt a rush of heat under his skin. She uncrossed her legs and scooted closer to him. "I bet I could make you tell me."

Now it was Jeisson's turn to raise his eyebrow. 

"I can be very persuasive," she said, a wink in her voice.

Jeisson cleared his throat. "I don't doubt that." 

She moved even closer. "I like it when you look at me like that."

"Like what?" Jeisson felt suddenly breathless, and berated himself internally. What was he, a middle school virgin desperate for attention? All Karolina had to do was put on a seductive voice and he was putty in her hands? He cleared his throat again. 

"Like you want me," Karolina whispered. Damn, her voice was sexy. 

"I don't want you," Jeisson said, though the sudden huskiness in his voice betrayed his lie.

Karolina smirked. "Oh, no? So you don't want to kiss me right now?"

"Nope. You have a boyfriend. That would be wrong."

Karolina scoffed, a sharp sound that wasn't quite a laugh. "I think it's safe to say neither of us pay much attention to that line between right and wrong. We just... hop right over it with a smile on our face. Wouldn't you agree?" And then her lips were on his and Jeisson lost all thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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