Chapter Ten

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"Eeeee!" Kelly squealed as she skipped, literally skipped, towards Jeisson from her car. "Why does it feel like it's been years?" she asked. She quickly closed the space between them, but then stopped suddenly when she was just a few feet away. "What happened to your arm?"

"Don't laugh."

"What?" she said, smiling already.

"I got drunk and fell off the roof of my apartment."

Kelly bit her lip and gave a snort as she tried to fight back her laughter. "I'm sorry. That sucks," she said, actually succeeding in keeping a straight face. "But it's kind of a bummer. I was going to do that dramatic thing, you know, like in movies, when the girl runs and leaps into her lover's arms and gives him a big ole kiss as he spins her around."

"Please don't refer to me as your lover," Jeisson said with a shudder. "It bums me out."

Kelly laughed then, and threw her arms around him. "It's good to see you."

Jeisson wrapped his arms around her in return. "You too. I kinda missed you."

"Aw." Kelly pulled away from him. "That's the nicest lukewarm sentiment anyone has ever said to me."

Jeisson laughed and took her hand. "Come on, let me show you around."

Jeisson gave her the rundown on the dorms, essentially the same thing Nat had told him his first night. He knew Kelly would get a kick out of it, and she did. She was still laughing about the nymphos in 04 and Jeisson being considered a "regular guy" in 07 as he walked her around the campus.

"Oh, the dugouts," Kelly said, pointing as they passed the sports fields. "Wanna go over there for old time's sake?"

Jeisson felt suddenly uncomfortable at the thought of bringing Kelly to the dugout. But then she laughed. "Just kidding. Show me your dorm!"

"Okay, but we have to be really stealthy."

"Stealthy? Why?"

"I'm technically not allowed to have you here. At least, not in my dorm."

"What? Seriously? Who makes the rules here? A bunch of fascists?"

Jeisson shrugged and used his fob to get them into the lobby and then quickly into his own wing. They went up the stairs quietly, and he scanned the hallway for anyone before they rushed to his room and hurried inside.

Kelly burst out laughing once safely in Jeisson's room. He shushed her. "We can still get caught if we're too loud."

"I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous."

"I know. It's the worst."

"So no one's ever allowed to visit you?"

"They can, I just have to report it to the RA on duty in the office. It's called an "inter-visitation" or something. If I want anyone over other than my roommate I have to report it and then we have to keep the door open at all times."

Kelly shook her head in disbelief. "Yikes. Well, I'm glad we didn't report it. No way I want the door open. I'm not putting on a show for all your little roommates. This place is oppressive."

"Yeah, it's definitely something else."

Kelly sat at the foot of the bed. "Comfy," she said, bouncing a few times.

Jeisson settled at the top of the bed, opposite her. She pushed her leg out to him. "Help me get these off, please?" she asked.

Jeisson unzipped her knee-high black leather boot and slipped it off her leg, then proceeded to to do the same with the other foot. He had to admit, even that little bit of undressing her turned him on. He threw the boots to the floor.

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