Chapter Five

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Jeisson surveyed the options behind the glass partition in the cafeteria line. It all seemed uber-healthy. White meat and cauliflower rice and gluten-free everything.

"Whatever happened to good, old-fashioned steak and potatoes?" Jeisson asked.

"We're trying a no-red-meat, low-carb diet right now," Remington said.


"Don't worry," Kyle said, putting a hand on Jeisson's shoulder. "It changes every few months with whatever new dietary research is published. Also, no matter what they serve here, they still keep the soft-serve open." He nodded to an ice cream machine behind them. "It's even open during breakfast. I think they're afraid that we'll mutiny if they take it away."

Jeisson grimaced as the cafeteria worker, a short and stocky man with a killer mustache that was wrapped in a hairnet, spooned a small mountain of Brussels sprouts on his tray and handed it to him. "Thanks," Jeisson said dryly. "Looks delicious. Smells great too."

The man just glared at him until he moved on down the line.

"Oh no," Remington said, suddenly hunching over his tray as if he was trying to make himself smaller. "Quinn's coming."

"Just ignore him," Kyle said.

"Maybe he won't talk to us," Remington said.

Jeisson thought about asking who the heck this Quinn kid was, but then he realized he probably didn't care anyway. But despite his lack of investment, he got an answer when a tall kid with an athletic build cut Remington in line. He had the kind of hair that made it seem like he just rolled out of bed but had actually probably spent an hour getting it just right. He set his tray down and leaned over Remington in a menacing way. Remington shrunk down even further. 

"Hey Nerdlingers," he said, giving a cocky half-smile to their whole group. "Remington, seen the scoreboard today?"

"Ignore him," Kyle said, passing Quinn in line and turning his back to him.

"How does it feel to always be the second best?" Quinn continued to taunt Remington. "At least you'll always be King of the Nerdlingers."

"I will pelt you with my Brussels sprouts, Quinn," Nat said through gritted teeth. Jeisson fully believed she would do that and more.

"Whoa," Quinn said, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "I thought you were all about peace and love?"

"I'm not a 60's hippie, idiot."

"If I'm the idiot, then what does that make poor second-place Remington? A retard?" Quinn barked out a laugh and walked off. Nat moved to go after him, but Kyle pulled her back.

"What's that asshole's problem?" Jeisson asked, curious despite himself. 

"Come on," Remington said in a dejected voice. "I'll show you."

They grabbed their trays and Remington led them to the seating area, a wide open space with high ceilings decorated with the school color - baby blue. There were portraits of famous scientists and mathematicians on the walls.

"Quinn is one of the popular kids," Remington said. "He's on the Debate Team. They've won nationals six years in a row."

Jeisson watched Quinn join a group of trendy-looking teens. He threw his arm around a girl who smiled up at him and kissed his jaw. She was beautiful, with silky blonde hair that shone prettily even in the fluorescent lights, and big, bright green eyes that Jeisson could see even from a distance. Jeisson realized he was staring, and ripped his eyes away, focusing back on Remington.

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