Evangline x Harry pt.1

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Requested by (WaterQueenAqua)

I had been walking out to feed the Thestrals with Luna when I came across a rather large black dog. His coat was matted and he was rather skinny. I had a bag full of raw meat from the butcher in Hogsmead but decided against feeding all of it to the Thestrals. I pulled out a smaller piece and threw it towards the dog. He looked at me hesitantly. His eyes looked tired, they were a dark brown shade and showed no hostility. I could tell the dog had been abused by the look in his eyes. He had a sense of sadness looming around him as I watched him eat the meat. I walked closer to the dog and pulled out a larger piece. I held it out in my hand and took a seat on the ground. The large dog slowly approached me and pulled the meat out of my hand. Not long after he took the meat and began eating, loud foot steps began approaching. The dog quickly gobbled up the meat and stood next to me protectively. Suddenly a familiar boy with jet black hair appeared.

"Who are you?" The boy asked as the dog immediately relaxed and trotted over to him.

"I'm Evangline. Who are you?" I asked standing up with my bag.

"I'm Harry Potter. You must be Luna's friend." Harry stated.

"How did you know?" I asked not ever hearing his name from Luna.

"She's mentioned your name before once or twice. She said you were a lot like her. I can tell too just by you feeding him and carrying raw meat in the woods. You most be going to feed the Thestrals." Harry replied. The dog trotted away behind a tree. "Are you sure about this?" Harry asked looking in the direction the dog went.

"Yeah she fed me and was very kind. I trust her." Came a voice from that same direction.

"Ok Sirius." Harry replied. I watched calmly as Sirius Black walked out from behind a tree.

"Hello. I promise I won't kill you." The man stated laughing as he scratched the back of his head.

"I know." I stated treating him no differently than before.

"You what?!" Harry asked shocked by my statement.

"Obviously if he had wanted to kill me I would already be dead." I stated looking at Sirius Black confident.

"Haha I like you. You must be from Ravenclaw with that calculating attitude." Sirius spoke laughing.

"You are very calculating yourself." I replied laughing a bit.

"Where's Remus? I need that on recording." Sirius replied causing Harry to begin laughing too.

"Where you really guilty of all those murders?" I asked changing the subject so I could get answers.

"No he's not." Harry replied for him.

"There is only one I wish I had done though." Sirius replied venom in his voice.

"Explain." I stated motioning for them to sit.

After that day I had begun to hang around Harry more along with Sirius whenever I had the chance. Although it was our fourth yer and Harry was participating in the tournament we still found time to go visit Sirius occasionally. During the tournaments I would sit with Luna and talk about Harry. I begun to develop feelings for the Gryffindor as I watched him during the Tournament. It didn't take Sirius long to catch on to my small crush.

"Where on Earth is he? He said he'd meet us here!" Harry exclaimed beginning to become impatient.

"Nothing is wrong Harry. He is just running la-mmmmmph!" I was cut off by Sirius pushing me into Harry. Harry didn't have time to catch me and I landed on top of him. I suddenly realized something soft move against lips as Harry groaned, causing me to blush a bright red. I got up off of him as quick as possible and glared at Sirius who was standing there laughing Harry also blushed a bright red.

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