8. "are you going to kill me"

Start from the beginning

"Same..." I replied awkwardly and trailed off, again.

After that, we stopped talking and I just sat there awkwardly.

Eventually, we pulled up to a giant field. There were trees surrounding the field. The field had the most beautiful and most green grass I'd ever seen. There was also flowers randomly scattered throughout the grass.

I gaped at the sight of it as I got out of the car. Suddenly a thought struck my head and I cautiously looked at Jacob, who had also gotten out of the car and was getting something out of the backseat. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked in fear.

He looked at me, amusement clear on his face. "Why would I kill you?"

I looked down at the ground, feeling embarrassed. "I don't know." I mumbled quietly.

"Well don't worry," He said, "I'm not going to kill you." He smiled at me and I just blushed.

I looked at my surroundings before looking back at him. "This place is beautiful." I said in astonishment, as I turned back around and looked at the field.

"Yeah..." I heard him mumble. I looked back at Jacob to see him staring right at me. It looked like he was in a different world. Just staring off at me, like I was space.

"Jacob?" I said, which brought him back to reality. He looked up at my eyes and smiled. I smiled back and walked into the field. I put my hand down and ran my fingers across the grass and flowers.

I jumped slightly when two arms suddenly wrapped around my waist. I stood up straight and felt my back against Jacob's chest. He started kissing my neck.

His lips brushed up and down the back of my neck. He stopped every once in a while to leave light kisses. His lips trailed to the side of my neck and I tilted my head back, onto his shoulder.

He opened his mouth a little wider and started sucking. I knew he was giving me a hickey and I knew that I should stop him but I just couldn't. He was amazing at it. He lightly nipped and licked my neck while still managing to suck on my neck. It felt like heaven! I never knew that someone could be that skilled with their mouth but here he was with it latched onto the side of my neck. I moaned loudly when he let go but not before tugging on the skin that his mouth was just on top of.

As I faced my head up again, it registered in my head what just happened and I got super embarrassed. I couldn't even look at Jacob. I looked down at the ground and didn't turn around to face him, even when he said my name. "Tim. Tim?" He said as he grabbed my hand. He tried to turn me around but I wouldn't budge. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he walked around to my front, causing me to keep my head down. He put his fingers under my chin and tried to pull my head up but I wouldn't look at him. "What's wrong?"

I kept my head down as I replied. "I just let you do that to me. And I couldn't even stop you." I paused and closed my eyes while talking in a breath. "I'm so embarrassed."

He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head up. "Babe, I'm happy about that." I looked at him confused. "It means that you like me too." He started leaning forward and was about to kiss me when I came back to reality.

I'm about to kiss Jacob Palmer. Jacob the bad boy. Jacob the drug dealer. I can't do this. He's bad for me. And I won't let him change me.

So, I pulled away before his lips could reach mine. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I don't like you too." I said. "You're a bad influence on me. I just got my first hickey from you and we're not even dating. I should've stopped you but I didn't and now I feel stupid."

He looked at me surprised before his smirk quickly returned. "Babe-" He started but I quickly cut him off.

"STOP THAT!" I yelled really loudly, which caused him to shut his mouth and look at me with wide eyes. "I'm tired of you calling me that. I told you to stop saying that and you still haven't. You think that you can get whatever you want, or that you can do whatever you want. Well when you're in prison one day for getting caught selling drugs, you'll realize that you can't do whatever you want." He stared at me, shock written all over his face. "And I won't be there to see it."

I turned around and walked toward the car. Once I got to the passenger door I turned around to see him still standing in the field. "Please take me home." I said coldly.

He looked at me before walking to the car and getting into the drivers side. I got into the passengers and he started up the car an pulled out onto the roads

We were silent the whole ride.

Once we reached my house, I got out of the car and stopped but didn't look back. This was the last time I was going to talk to him and I wanted to get that message across.

"Goodbye Jacob."


Hey, I hope you all liked this chapter and stuff. I honestly felt terrible writing this chapter.

Welp, that's the end of the book. Bye.

JK!!! Oh my god, you guys would probably hate me if I ended it like that. This book isn't even close to over.





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