Out of Darkness

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Few more things to clear up before we start!

First, sorry I fell so far behind with this story! I'm almost there "episodes" behind schedule. School started today, so don't expect many updates but I'm gonna try and do it when I can!

Second, Season 1 will not have any extra episodes. Ky's screentime will be limited. The rest of the show will be different- ESPECIALLY SEASON 3

(In the middle of writing this): I lied ky's gonna get more screentime this episode


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A single TIE fired at the small ship known as the Phantom, but luckily, Hera Syndulla was the one piloting- the TIE pilot had some competition.

In the back of the Phantom, the three teens of the crew struggled to remain in their seats,

"Hera," Sabine started, "shouldn't we be firing back?!"

The twi'lek smirked, dodging the blasters from the TIE with ease, "Stay calm, it's all part of the plan."

"Is getting blasted out of the sky part of the plan two?" The newest member asked from his seat, "cause if it is, the plan is going great."

"Ezra," Hera replied as she used the back canons to shoot down the single fighter, "you should know better."

Ky chuckled, as the three teens made their way up to the twi'lek. Hera glanced back to them as she spoke, "There isn't a pilot in the Imperial fleet that can outrun me."

Ezra leaned against the controls, smirking, "Yeah, so how about teaching me some of those high flying moves?"

Sabine and Ky shared a look, as the Mandalorian rolled her eyes.

"You? Fly my ship?" Hera chuckled, "I don't know Ezra, you really think you're ready?"

The boy nodded, his smile fading once he heard the sound of more TIES. He stared at the three in front of them, "Not ready. Not ready!"

- - -

All three began to shoot, but once again Hera dodges with ease while the teens struggled to remain standing.

"Well," Sabine shot a glare at Hera, "we've gotten ourselves into another fine mess!"

Ky shrugged, "Just another normal day."

"I admit it's a little messier than our intel indicated."

"Yeah that's been happening a lot lately!" Sabine continued, "where, may I ask, does this intel come from?"

Hera didn't look to Sabine as she replied, "You may ask." Sabine frowned, hating that Hera and Ky would never give her any information. Sure, the others didn't know anything more than she did. But she still wanted, she needed to know more.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt," Ezra butted in, "but could we maybe focus a little more on not dying!"

"Hang on!" Hera commanded, as she took the ship down a bit. The gaps between rocks were barely enough for the ship, as the bottom of the ship scraped against one. But the closest TIE could not follow, as it crashed in the same rocks.

Ky scrambles back a little bit, checking to see the damage on the ship,

"We're good," she replied, "paint might be scuffed up, but no real damage."

Hera moved the controls a bit, "Oh there's damage, steering's off."

"Well this says otherwise!" Ky remarked.

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