"That's lasat gratitude for ya," he remarked, "all I did was save your life from an Imperal agent. Or did that slip your mind?"

Zeb cracked his back as he replied, "How could it? You remind me every twenty-three seconds!"

Ezra continued, as Zeb walked back over to his bunk,

"You know, Zeb, in some places, when a man owes you his life, he's your servant forever."

"Yeah? Well this isn't some place. It's my place!" He laid down on his bunk, turning his back to Ezra, "so get out!"

"Sorry roomie," Ezra climbed the ladder to his own bunk, no deal."

As soon as the boy laid on his bunk, it collapsed from underneath him, causing both the bunk and Ezra to fall on top of Zeb.

From Sabine's cabin, Zeb's screams and Ezra's pleas for his life could be heard. Especially after the door to their room opened,

"It's not my fault!"

"Tell it to my first!"

Sabine looked over, watching as Zeb chased Ezra down the hallway. She walked out of her room, wanting to know what had happened. Chopper spun around, showing her two bolts.

She looked over, walking into Zeb and Ezra's cabin, "The bolts from Ezra's bunk?" She looked around their dull and messy room, "hmmm. Needs a little something."

In the cargo bay, Kanan was stacking crates, listening to Ky as she climbed down the ladder,

"That blasted droid," she complained, "I swear if he hasn't fixed the Phantom's guns yet."

Kanan rolled his eyes, hearing the commotion coming down the hall, chuckling, "I bet he's got something to do with the yelling:"

Ky scoffed, "Probably."

As if on queue, Ezra bolted into the room, almost running into Kanan in the process. Kanan rose a brow, looming down at the boy.

Right behind him was Zeb, who jumped down from the ledge, diving onto Ezra. Kanan jumped out of the way, watching as the two knocked over the crates he just stacked.

Someone cleared their throat from the ledge, causing all commotion to stop. Hera stood there, glaring at Ezra and Zeb.

"It's his fault!" Both boy and lasat yelled in unison.

- - -

Zeb stood up, then Ezra as they continued arguing,

"My fault?" Zeb questioned, "this is your fault!"

"Don't go blaming this on me."

"Enough!" Hera commanded, climbing down the ladder and going over to the control panel, "this is my ship your wrecking and I want you off it!" The twi'lek slammed her hand down on the button to the ramp, opening it. Ezra and Zeb stared at her. She was serious.

Zeb and Ezra each pushed each other as they walked over to her,

"Hera..." Zeb practically pleaded, "be reasonable!"

"Come on, you know what he's like." Ezra looked up to her.

Hera didn't reply, simply handing a datapad to Ezra. To his confusion, he replied,

"Uh... what's this?"

"A market list."

Ky looked over to them, laughing, "Oh boy." The girl had been in their situation before.

Hera didn't acknowledge her daughter, she was too angry at Zeb and Ezra, "The town of Kothal's two clicks to the south and I'm sending you both on a supply run."

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