Chapter 30 - Love

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We walked back into class just as the teachers were changing rooms. We sat at our seats and continued the day as normal. Well, normal for us that is.

Not gonna bore you with stupid details. Really can't be bothered at this point. Anyways the day went like this. Blah Maths Blah English Blah the twins being dumbasses at break Blah Science Blah History Blah Shitty embarrassing sentimental crap between me and you know who Blah Art.

Finally back at the host club. For once in my life I was happy to trudge up the infinite staircase to get to the room I once despised. Once there I banged the doors open and made quite a terrible entrance as I slipped up on some spilt tea.

I could feel my eye starting to twitch.

" the ever loving frICK SPILT TEA AND DIDN'T CLEAN IT UP?!?" I screamed.

"Sorry Kino. That'd be me. Tamaki said we ran outta paper towels so I had to go get note from the storage cabinet." Haruhi explained, helping me up.

"It's fine." I beamed. "Now where are my customers? I gotta make up for the time I lost before."

Kyoya pointed to the table near the back of the room.

"Thank you Shadow King!" I called as I skipped to my table, earning multiple laughed, chuckles and giggles from around the Host Club.

"Good afternoon!" I greeted cheerfully as I sat down.

"Good afternoon" the three boys choired back.

"And what are your names?"

"I'm Rai."

"I'm Kotaru"

"And I'm Takaru"

"Nice to meet you all." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you too."

That evening was uneventful. Except when...


I had a whad of paper thrown at my head, mid-way through a sentence. I annoyingly opened it.


Having fun being back here? Sure missed your loud cheery voice. Bet everyone else did too.

Hikaru x*

I felt my eye begin to twitch again.

"Do any of you have a pen?" I asked, a false sweet smile plastered on my face.

"Sure thing" Kotaru replied, handing me his pen.

I flipped over the paper and wrote.

*Hi Hikaru.


Kino >;)*

I threw the whad back at him and once he read it a dark aura radiated off of him. Petrified I guessed.

'That's what you get for bothering me when I'm doing a job.'

After all the guests cleared out it was only 4:45pm we had 15 More minutes to kill.

"I am soooo BORED!" I exclaimed.

"What can we do? We got like 15 minutes and Kyoya says we can't leave until exactly 5pm in case someone shows up out of the blue." Haruhi moaned.

"You guys really don't have very bright minds do you." Called a voice.

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