Chapter 26 - The Fight

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'Goodbye Hikaru, I love you.'

I suddenly felt something blow past my face and heard a grunt of pain. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal....

Hikaru's POV.

"I'm sorry" was the last thing Kino said before she fled out the door.

'What just happened? Did Kino really just...break up with me? But why?'

I slowly made my way to the door, to see Haruhi and Karou there waiting.

"Hey Hikaru what just happened?" Karou asked.

"Yeah, Kino just went zooming down the hall." Haruhi noted

"She...she broke...up with me." I said confused.

"She what!?" Karou exclaimed. "Kino wouldn't do that!"

"Karou's right. Unless she said a specific and completely logical reason, then something's up." Haruhi added.

Just then Tamaki and the others came down the hall.

"What's up with Hikaru, he looks a little-"

I didn't stick around to hear what Tamaki had to say. All I cared about was making sure Kino was okay. I zoomed down the halls, leaving the rest of the guys by the door, as I tried to and catch up with her. I could hear the others running close behind me. I could also just about hear Haruhi explain what just happened to the everyone. I slowed at a window in which I saw Kino with Tyler at the fountain.

'Did she dump me to be with him!? No. She wouldn't do that! She never liked him from the start! So why is she with him?'

Soon I was outside and just one corner turning away from the two by the fountain. I was about to turn when Karou and Haruhi tackled me and pulled me back behind the wall.

"What the hell you two!?" I yelled.

"Just calm down for a minute and watch. It's useless if you go in without a plan." Haruhi told me.

"Fine. We'll watch." I moaned, peering round the corner, listening in.

As I watched, I was shocked and pissed when I saw Tyler pick Kino up by her collar. I would have gone at him but Haruhi and Karou were still holding me back. Then Kino said something. Something I will probably never forget.

"-I didn't wanna break up with Hikaru! Fuck that's the LAST thing I'd ever wanna do. I love him to the point where I can't even describe it, but he probably hates me now anyways. If you wanna make me lose everything then just kill me! I'd rather that then you make me hurt Hikaru again!"

Just then Tyler pushed her onto the ground again, hitting her head on the fountain, and pulled out a knife. I saw her just sat on the ground holding her head as if trying to stay conscious. I could see sadness overwhelming her to the point of being unable to move and terror where she couldn't even cry. I couldn't take it anymore.

I fought back against Haruhi and Karou and legged it over to them. Just as he brought the knife down...

Kino POV

"Hikaru!?" I screamed.

"Made it." He gasped.

I was shocked and terrified. Instead of Tyler stabbing me, Hikaru got in front, and protected me. Now he was stood above me with the knife gripped in his hand. It looked as though the knife had ripped straight down his arm before he could grab it. He stopped it with his arm first before grabbing it with his hand, ripping it out of Tyler's hands and then throwing it in a random direction.

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