Chapter 24 - The Sacred but Secure

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As I sat in maths class, I could hear multiple comments being thrown around about Tyler. Such comments mainly consisted of things such as...

"I can't believe Kino gets to show around the new hottie around. So lucky."


"I wonder if he'll join the host club like the others. That'd be amazing!"

And finally.

"I wanted to show him a round."

'Please, you can have him. If only I was late.'

"Now please put yourself in pairs for the next activity." The teacher informed us.

Before I could get a word in, Tyler pulled on my hair, making me fall back, and declared us as a pair. So Haruhi was with Renge and Hikaru was with Karou.

We got given a work sheet and were told whoever completed the whole sheet first wins a prize. Me being the competitive ass I am, I immediately dug into the sheet and finished it all in 20 minutes. Ignoring Tyler as much as humanly possible. I shot my hand up and announced we had finished. He checked our work against his answer sheet and declared that we had won. He went back to his desk and pulled pulled out two boxes of chocolate. I got the Celebrations box while Tyler got the Heroes.

I could hear  mumbled of two opposite sides. One saying it wasn't fair to give Tyler chocolate when he didn't do anything, while the other side argued that I didn't let him and was just trying yo show off.

Part of that was true. I didn't let him do anything because I didn't wanna have to communicate with him in anyway at all.

Soon class was over - although not fast enough in my opinion - and I was in the club room stuffing my face with the celebrations. I had handed out equally between everyone, since I wasn't much for eating chocolate. By that I mean I kept all the Twix's to myself and handed all the others out.

"Thanks for the sweets Ki-chan!' Honnie-sepai beamed.

"No problem. I didn't like them much anyways so I thought I may as well share them with you guys."

"These are really good, but I wonder if you could make some yourself." He suggested.

"Eh? Me? Make chocolate?"

"Yeah. Why not?" Kaoru questioned.

"Because anytime I am let near an oven the fire alarm goes off. I can only just about manage pasta and noodles." I warned them. "Besides. What would be the difference? It's just melting it then refreezing it again. All that really changes is the shape."

It looked like Hikaru was about to say something but the sound of the door sliding open distracted everyone.

It was Tyler.

'Crap. I'd hoped I lost him. He must've asked someone where I'd be.'

"I thought you were meant to be showing me around." He frowned in a seemingly jokey manner.

"And I thought I told you that I got Toma to show you around." I repeated my words from earlier.

"But I don't like him."

"You don't like anyone except me. Who knows why."

He knew that I knew. But he wasn't going to let up his good boy act in front of everyone.

"That's cuz you're cute."

I saw Hikaru shoot him a death glare and Tyler shot one back.

"I can see why you hang out here now." Tyler taunted.

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